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Elk and a Coyote...Video Added
I was up on the Cache face filming a herd of six cow/calf elk today. They were about 500 yards up from me but i was zoomed in really close. Suddenly they all jumped up and started to run...i was following them with my camera when all of the sudden a Coyote came into my viewfinder! He chased them a little ways before giving up and continuing on up the hill. The elk weren't even spooked really they just went right back to feeding/bedding! Not a big deal but I thought it was really cool, i've never seen it before! Just thought i'd share...i'll try to get the video onto my computer in a couple days it's an awesome clip!
VIDEO ADDED...It turned out really shaky...i haven't bought a tripod for my new cam yet. Keep in mind that they were between 5-600 yards up. I was so Confused why they started to run because I was so far away I knew I was undetected!! I think about the time I saw the 'Yote he decided he was no match for the elk and went on his way haha! [signature]
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Nice video. Tri-pod makes all the difference though. Hookjaw took the Hardware Ranch video from about 5 or 600 on a tri-pod and it's pretty still. Check it out if you haven't. Were those cows chasing the yote off? Kinda lost him at the end there, but it looked like they went to where I saw the yote last.
Ya I lost the coyote when he stopped...i couldn't really see my screen with the sun reflecting on it! The lead cow kept walking towards him and he ended up running straight up the slope above the elk. I know i need a 'pod i'm looking at what one I want to get.

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