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We haven't had any new info lately about....
OBAMA, so here it is.
We are witnessing a political phenomenon with
Barack Obama of rare magnitude. His speeches have
inspired millions and yet most of his followers
have no idea of what he stands for except
platitudes of "Change" or that he says he will be
a "Uniter". The power of speech from a
charismatic person truly can be a powerful thing.
Certainly Billy Graham had charisma and both his
manner of speech and particularly the content
changed millions. On the extreme other hand, the
charisma of Adolph Hitler inspired millions and
the results were catastrophic. Barack Obama
certainly is no Hitler or a Billy Graham, but for
many Americans out there feeling just like a
surfer who might be ecstatic and euphoric while
riding a tidal wave, the real story is what happens when it hits shore.

Just Some of What Defines Barack Obama:

· He voted against banning partial " birth abortion.
.He voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.
.Supports affirmative action in Colleges and Government.
.In 2001 he questioned harsh penalties for drug dealing.
.Says he will deal with street level drug dealing as minimum wage affair.
.Admitted marijuana and cocaine use in high school and in college.
.His religious convictions are very murky.
.He is willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
·Has said that one of his first goals after being elected would be to have a conference with all Muslim nations.
. Opposed the Patriot Act.
·First bill he signed that was passed was campaign finance reform.
· Voted No on prohibiting law suits against gun manufacturers.
·Supports universal health-care.
· Voted yes on providing habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees.
·Supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.
·Supports extending welfare to illegal immigrants.
· Voted yes on comprehensive immigration reform.
·Voted yes on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security.
·Wants to make the minimum wage a "living wage".
·Voted with Democratic Party 96 percent of 251 votes.
·Is a big believer in the separation of church and state.
·Opposed to any efforts to Privatize Social Security and instead supports increasing the amount of tax paid.
·He voted No on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax
·He voted No on repealing the "Death" Tax
·He wants to raise the Capital Gains Tax.
·Has repeatedly said the surge in Iraq has not succeeded.
·He is ranked as the most liberal Senator in the Senate today and that takes some doing.

If your political choices are consistent with
Barack Obama's and you think that his positions
will bring America ! together or make it a better
place, then you will probably enjoy the ride and
not forward this Email. If you are like most
Americans that after examining what he stands
for, are truly not in line with his record, it
would be prudent to get off the wave or better
yet, never get on, before it comes on shore and
undermines the very foundations of this great
Country. We have limited time to save America or
the Supreme Court as we know it.
He is the lesser of 2 evils but neither will ever dream of getting my vote.[:p] The presidency is overrated anyway. Some person that takes the fate of the country and somewhat the world and usually turns it upside down. Whoever takes office is going to SUCK anyway. We need someone with a SACK in there that knows what the hell they are doing. Shrillary is absolutely the worst thing that could happen to this world.[Wink] Where is SM anyway? Did he get scared off by the not-so-friendly changes?[shocked]
Yea, I'm surprised he hasn't responded too, maybe he is voting for Shillary so he doesn't care about Yomama, I mean Obama[angelic].
Here's my 45 cents on several of the points below...

I haven't verified or substantiated any of the items below, however...

Just Some of What Defines Barack Obama:
Admitted marijuana and cocaine use in high school and in college.

So did Bush. At least he was honest about it, and hopefully has learned from his mistakes.
He is willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Good! We need a president who is willing to meet even with our enemies to try and resolve conflicts without the loss of millions of lives.
Has said that one of his first goals after being elected would be to have a conference with all Muslim nations.

Is this being portrayed as a bad thing? If so, please explain why.
Quote:Opposed the Patriot Act

Unfortunately, not enough others did, so we got stuck with a law that is eroding our freedom and giving dangerous unprecedented powers to the executive branch. This is a dangerous slippery slope to be on for the future.
Quote:First bill he signed that was passed was campaign finance reform.

Again, is this supposed to be a positive or negative action? I don't understand the significance of this comment. Please explain.
Quote:Voted No on prohibiting law suits against gun manufacturers.

Good. Why should a certain company or industry be shielded from lawsuits? Will all manufacturing companies be also shielded from lawsuits? If not, that is unfair special treatment of gun manufacturers. (I am an avid hunter as well as fisherman and own both a rifle and shotgun).
Quote:Supports universal health-care.

I see this not as positive or negative, but as an opinion. Universal Healthcare has some interesting benefits, and some potential problems, but so does our current system. Exploring alternatives to how things are now could be very good for all of us.
Quote:Voted yes on providing habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees.

Good. There is something wrong about not giving defendants the right to a trial by jury. Just because we are at war, and in the 'war on terror' doesn't mean we should infringe on people's rights. How would one of us like it if Iran or Russia or North Korea detained one of our citizens, denied them access to communicate to anyone, denied them access to a lawyer, denied them access to a trial by jury, and simply held them in a prison without charging them with a crime? Unthinkable! But that is exactly what we are doing in Guantanamo. I bet you more than one of the people detained there are innocent.
Quote:Supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

How else will they get to work, where they pick the fruits and vegetables that I buy in the grocery store, clean the rooms at hotels I stay at, make the food when I drop by McDonalds, etc. etc. etc.? Without them, our prices would be quite a bit higher. What we should be focusing on is making it easier for more people to enter our country legally, so it will be a viable option for people and will drastically reduce the number of people that come here illegally.
Quote:Supports extending welfare to illegal immigrants.

Not so good. We can't (or I believe at least, shouldn't) allow children to suffer, however we shouldn't allow illegal foreigners to financially drain our government's programs either.
Quote: Voted yes on comprehensive immigration reform.

Good, we need some serious immigration reform. I don't know the specifics of what he voted on, however, so I can't say if I agree with this move or not.
Quote:Voted yes on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security.

Wouldn't be an issue if we could make it so people didn't need to sneak in illegally.
Quote:Wants to make the minimum wage a "living wage".

Not such a bad idea, is it? Certainly we don't want people who are honestly working hard to support themselves to starve because they aren't even making enough to survive on?
Quote: Voted with Democratic Party 96 percent of 251 votes.

[cool] Can you blame him? He is a democrat, you know.[Wink]
Quote:Is a big believer in the separation of church and state.

Weren't our founding father too? I don't get it. Is this a bad thing?
Quote:Opposed to any efforts to Privatize Social Security and instead supports increasing the amount of tax paid.

Well, either we keep social security around, or else we'll probably end up putting those people who don't volunteer to save in the privatized social security program on welfare when they get old.
Quote:He wants to raise the Capital Gains Tax.

He wants to raise it, but still keep it lower than it was during Bush Sr.'s presidency. So, the net percentage would still be lower than its peak, but would be higher than the current 15%. Our govt. needs its money from somewhere.
Quote: Has repeatedly said the surge in Iraq has not succeeded.

Well, look at the news over the last couple weeks. He's kind of right. (Although the surge did coincide with a temporary slowing in violence)

Quote:If you are like most
Americans that after examining what he stands
for, are truly not in line with his record, it
would be prudent to get off the wave or better
yet, never get on, before it comes on shore and
undermines the very foundations of this great
Country. We have limited time to save America or
the Supreme Court as we know it.

Most Americans? I guess that will be decided on November, won't it? [cool][:p]
You make it sound like Osama bin Laden himself were on the ticket. Barack Obama might just be what this country needs. He certainly won't be 'undermining the very foundations of this country'.
I see southern man has changed his user name to Cat_man[Wink]. I can't say that every item on this list I agree with either but your stand clearly labels you as an liberal. It is hard to say at these point if you are as far left as SM but if need to explain why I believe most of these items are true then nothing I can say will sway your opinion anyway. WH2
I'm definitely not as liberal as southernman. I actually consider myself a 'moderate'. I won't officially join the Republican party nor the Democrats. Like you, I don't agree with everything from either side. One thing I hate more than almost anything is the box on the ballet you can check for voting all one party (i.e. I'm a republican, so I'll vote for all republicans, or I'm a democrat, so I'll just check for all of my party). I think it encourages ignorance of the issues.

Anyway, I definitely side with the republicans on things like abortion. However, on issues like the Iraq war, don't even get me started.

Seriously, I honestly would like to know the answers to my questions above, I'm definitely no troll, and as I tend to sit in the middle, any info/arguments you might provide could be both useful to me, as well as have the potential to affect my views. Give it a shot. [Smile]
I didnt see any thing trollish about your questions...

infact I found them quite valid, hope my answers below help....

so when its time to vote in november and those deomcratis who are still deciding on how to vote in the primary they need to look at the info here.....

a lot of our problems extended from the last clinton occupation, and the current bush administration is trying to hold on fast to it...

they enjoy saying our social sucurity funds are in jepordy, its only true due to the fact that clinton allowed ileagle aliens and others who have never worked or paid in to draw from it.

This was the great wellfair reform policy, remove the tax from forgien product that paid for the welfair program and put those people on the social sucurity dole and drain the funds of hard working americans.... No wonder why the bush administration and the now running republican administration wants to make those tax cuts that the last clinton administration made perminate...

then there is the unfair nafta agreements then the tax cut thay gave to corporate to import product from out of the boarders allowing them to send jobs over there... Sure gives new meaning to the old millitary tune "Over There"

Let Freedom Ring used to be the old motto, now it is let oppression ring weather it comes from terrorist oppression or government oppresion... What I see is Terrorism being the tool for oppression around the world by government. So long as we dont wipe out the lead heads of this group terror will remain the number one reason/tool for dimished fredom...

sounds like bush rederic, not realy, bush sinor and binladins daddy was good political buddies.....

so what happened, money, money breaks all bonds between family and friends and alies......

I beleive with whole heartedly the current clinton is communist. she tries to put up a good talk, switching back and forth on some issues, but still when it comes to talking about gun laws she still gets that gleem in her eyes on the illeagle gun controll laws her husband tried to squeek though....

so when something works a polititon will put it to use for thier own best advantage......

one thing I would like to know is how on earth clinton can be flat broke one day and the next have millions.. like every one just got up and ran to the atm machein and deposited their bank accounts in to hers.....[crazy]

I am glad to see how the topic has advanced here on the site, lots of information and insite being made... now if we could only get our polititions to do the same with their policies insted of slinging mud campains.... this is what we didnt want, this is what they promiced and yet here it is......
Many good points. All that mudslinging is such a waste of time and takes attention away from the important issues that we are facing today.

I agree that the fear of terrorism has been used as a political tool to restrict the freedom of people around the world, including our own country.

Hopefully we can stave off the impending armageddon long enough for people's senses to return. [:p]
I need some help here. I don't follow this bs about demorat and repooplican, honestly i could care less who takes office, i just like to comment because i think i am on the repoop side. I don't like most of the people that run for the demorats but i also don't like the repoop candidate either. Why is it that some things one party wants and some things the other wants are so oppisite? Shouldn't the person who takes office have ALL good hopes and ideas for the country? I might not have worded this right, but maybe someone can pick it apart and inform me. What is the 3rd party? Do they have a little of both in them or something totally different?
I will say that i could not even comprehend Shrillary taking office. The more i watch Obama on tv the more i think he is not a bad guy but i also know that demorats are alot harsher on gun policies and that don't fly with me. My guns and right to bear arms are more important to me than anything else they have been blabbering about(either party). So could someone help me out?[blush]
I agree Lunkerhunter, the Dems want our guns, even if shillery killed a duck.Right. Lets not forget how Bill made life miserable for us all. Obama also leans towards that fence. So here we are back in a race where we pick the lesser of two eveils. We in Ct did vote in our Senator from a third party and he brought both ways of thinking to the table, weither you like his politics or not. As much as I'm not in love with McCain, he has my vote as of today. Now we need to work on getting better congressmen.
Quote:His speeches have
inspired millions and yet most of his followers
have no idea of what he stands for except
platitudes of "Change" or that he says he will be
a "Uniter".

repooplicant lies.......... i like the hitler reference, thats ironic, since repoops are the real NAZI 's

There you are, been fishin or what?
I was wondering how long it would be before you replied to my bait. Got ya, hook line and stinker, I mean sinker[Wink].
goin this weekend for a few hours, been real busy with new job and all that . .

for now she is hurting the crat party, the race is over, she hasnt got the sence to quit and let the bi-party race begin.

there was a news report on the score on who was winning the race for the crat party, and every way you looked at it she was loosing unless you count michigan and florida where she wants to claim 100% of all votes deligates and super deligates. then in only one of the three cadigorys would she be in the lead... I think she has been taking fuzzy math lessons from professor bush.[sly] She has no comprehention that many of her votes have come from McCane suporters who are voting to help her along so she can fail miserably in the presidential election.. these party jumpers are jumping like fleas in those states where primaries are still going and the repoobs have nothing better to do than to make her feal important...[laugh]

one thing for sure, if clinton gets on the ballot in either the presidential or vice presidential slot, the game is over, McCane will have wone... "McCane himself said she should get on the ballot with obama"... "SLY DOG"

McCanery has not picked his running mate as of yet, he is wating to see what the crats do, If Cobraman picks Hitlery then he will take Huckelberry for the win, If Cobraman picks Edweird he will have no choice but to take Romadairy for the battle.

This is the third time in US history where so much depended on the corse of one Black man.

[ul][li]In the war of indipendance the first man to die was a Black man,[/li][li]just a few short decades ago a black man invented plasma "died for a lack of his own envention a few years later"[/li][li]now one man has the power to change the world, dose he take edwards and force the repoobs in to accountability or dose he take clinton to throw the race? [/li]

[ul][li]I Wish him better luck than his predisessors.[/li][/ul][/ul]
third time? get real . .

not as many people hate hillary as much as you think . .

but i doubt she would take the VP nomination anyways ....

We know Kwami in Detroit sure is in love with her, She has promiced him a pardon if she gets elected and to rid the city of detroit of "Leagle Fire Arms" so only his crooks and his self apointed police force may possess them...

the is ofcorse if he fixes the ballat box for her the way he did it for himself in the last election... "again the dead got up and voted in detroit" Coalman Young even got up and voted cause he liked Kwami so much.[crazy]
I dont hate her, I just dont trust her with the responcibility of picking up puppy poo let alone the finaces and sucurity of america or the world.
republicoons - jsut face it, your boy bush is a disaster in everything he has touched, just let the dems have a shot, ya know like 93-01, when we had the biggest run of prosperity, low taxes, investment returns, and he left with a balanced budget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dont forget all repoops talk about is fiscal responsibility(usually carefully guarded racial statements), and bush has left us in ruin, the dollar isnt worth as much as toilet paper, and the countrys in huge debt

bush is a failure, and every body that voted for him is a failure, dont forget that re-poops

Since the dems control the House and Senate, I'm guessing you don't think they have anything to do with all the mess you claim were in[crazy]. If I remember correctly most of the problems our country is having, started when the dems started running things. Anyone that votes for a dem this year for president is condemning us to more of the same or worse.

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