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2009-10 Fishing Regulations are now available
PHOENIX - Just in time to be stocking stuffers for your favorite outdoor enthusiast, the newly printed 2009-10 Arizona Fishing Regulations are now available for free at all fishing license dealers in the state, including all Arizona Game and Fish Department offices.

The theme of this year's fishing regulations also dovetail well with the seasonal spirit of the holidays: "Kids don't remember their best day of watching television."

"Whether it is from a child's Christmas wish or your own New Year's vow, take your children fishing this coming year. I guarantee the memories you make will outlast the video game he or she wants," said Fisheries Chief Kirk Young.

Don't forget that the 2009 fishing licenses are also available - a license is the ultimate gift that keeps on giving all year long. There are even family licenses and youth combination licenses available. Just check them out in the easy-to-use regulation booklet.

"Thanks to Arizona's abundant snowpack and superb runoff that filled our lakes to overflowing last year, the fishing prognosis going into 2009 is very good. The recent winter storms also provide the hopeful promise of good things headed our way this coming year," Young said.

Keep in mind that there are some regulation changes also heading your way for 2009-10.

The Game and Fish Department has instituted a protective slot limit at Saguaro, Canyon and Apache lakes, where you may have six bass in possession (combination largemouth and smallmouth), of which no more than one may be between 13 and 16 inches. The slot limit at Roosevelt is also the same as the ones at the other Salt River lakes - one bass between 13 and 16 inches may be possessed.

The Game and Fish Commission also took off the bag limits for bass (all species) and catfish (all species) at Mogollon Rim area trout waters, specifically Willow Springs, Woods Canyon Lake, Black Canyon Lake, Bear Canyon Lake, Chevelon Lake, CC Cragin Reservoir (Blue Ridge), Knoll Lake and Long Tom Lake.

This coming year also you can experience something new in the state - the first-ever seasonal, blue ribbon roundtail chub fishery. A 4.5-mile segment of Fossil Creek in the Verde Valley will be a catch-and-release-only, artificial fly and lure only, single barbless hook fishery with a seven-month season commencing Oct. 3, 2009.

"We are excited about this unique fishery for one of our impressive native fish, the roundtail chub, which has historically been referred to as 'Verde trout' by many anglers," Young said. "Keep an eye out for information on activities planned for opening day at Fossil Creek in October."


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