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Indian River Lagoon Coast Fishing Forecast
[font "Times New Roman"][size 5]Mosquito Creek Outdoors Fishing Forecast, April 2009[/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 5]By Captain Tom Van Horn[/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]Reflecting back on my forecast for April, I can’t help but get excited about the many different angling prospects spring delivers to the Indian River Coast of Florida. I’m grateful for the opportunity to live, breath, and fish on these waters, and if March has been a prelude to what we can expect in April, look out!

Some of highlights of fishing on Florida’s east central coast during the spring is the weather is still cool and enjoyable, and as the waters warm up, the fish begin to shift into their prespawning feeding mood. Some examples of this behavior are the cobia moving north up the coast, and the spotted sea trout moving into their traditional spawning areas on the inshore flats. Like many saltwater species, the cobia and sea trout spawn in aggregations or groups, not on beds. In the case of the cobia, traditional spawning areas are off of the central east coast of the US, and in the northern Gulf of Mexico. As the fish migrate north, they burn energy and feed heavily along the way, hence the cobia run we are currently experiencing. On the flats, the smaller male sea trout move up into the shallow flats first, and then call the females in to spawn by drumming loudly just after dusk when the conditions are right, usually around the beginning on the first new moon or full moon in April, and then again on the new and full moons throughout the summer. [/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]Offshore, April marks the beginning of the fishing season for most blue water anglers. It represents the start of the April/May northern migration of dolphin in deeper water, 120 feet and beyond and usually brings in some of the largest bulls taken all year. April also marks the beginning of the Easter kingfish run on the near-shore reef outside Port Canaveral. It’s the time of year when most of the larger kings, 30 to 50 pounds, are taken off 8A Reef, and Pelican Flats. [/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]As we move in near-shore, tripletail should become more dependable, and look for late season cobia as well. The cobia run thus far has been so so; with bait pods (Atlantic menhaden or pogies) arriving late this year. As the bait pod move in, look for Spanish mackerel, bluefish, redfish, giant jack crevalle, sharks, and smoker kings. Concentrate your efforts in areas of bait pods. When you see areas of bait balled up and pushed to the surface, there is a high probability that feeding gamefish are pressuring the bait from underneath. [/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]In the inlets, look for good numbers of flounder, sheepshead and black drum around structure such as jetties and docks, and Spanish mackerel, blues, and large jacks in open water. Also look for the nighttime snook and tarpon action to heat up in the Sebastian Inlet.

On the lagoon flats, fish the early morning and late evening with your favorite top water plugs for extreme trout and redfish action, and soft plastics and jigs in deeper water, 2 to 3 feet after the midday sun settles in. April is one of the months when trout are egg laden for the spawn, so it’s very important to handle and release the larger females with great care. If you are looking for snook and tarpon action inside, the Sebastian River will be the place to go.

Last but not least, freshwater largemouth and striped bass action has will heat up on the St Johns River. Look for schooling bass at first light feeding on pilchards from the Osteen Bridge to Lake Harney. My favorite locations are in the river bends near the power lines at Lemmon Bluff and at the south end of Lake Harney were the River dumps in. A good way to locate these schooling fish is to look for white pelicans and other wading birds congregating along the shore. When in the feeding mode, these fish will take most swim plugs, and small live shiners. Also, last year we caught southern flounder in Lake Harney fishing pilchards on the bottom under the schooling bass.[/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]As always, if you have any questions or need information, please contact me.[/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]Good luck and good fishing,[/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]Captain Tom Van Horn[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Mosquito Coast Fishing Charters[/font]
[url ""][font "Times New Roman"][/font][/url]
[url ""][font "Times New Roman"][#800080][/#800080][/font][/url]
[font "Times New Roman"]407-366-8085 landline[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]407-416-1187 on the water[/font]
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