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Stimulator pattern
I never even knew about a stimulator until last summer when I went to fish the wind river. I was given an orange one from my gf's dad, but never got the chance to use it. I figure it must be a good fly for the area, so I bought a few more before I move back there for the summer. When are the best times to use these flies? I would think they would be used maybe on really hot days during the middle part of the day. am I totally wrong about that? any help is appreciated.
Any time. They are going to be stoneflies, hoppers, caddis. They are really a great anytime pattern.
Stimulators/Sofa Pillows are perfect for searching out fish also, plus great dries to attach a dropper to.
Because it is a general fly (i.e., doesn't duplicate anything in particular), the stimulator is a great search and destroy choice. It will work anytime the fish are not feeding selectively, because it can be mistaken for a wide assortment of aquatic foods.

Us it whenever you want to fish dry, but there isn't a lot of hatching activity.
They are quite bouyant and work well in rough water and can support heavy nymph droppers. They also are quite visible on the water.

Next to the bank and floated under over hanging trees can be quite effective techniques.

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