05-11-2009, 12:40 AM
The wife was gracious enough to let me spend a few early hours on the lake this morning. Went out of the Sunset viewpoint. It wasn't the best day fishing, but it was great to be on the water. Missed a big strike on a Zara Spook at dusk, and didn't have so much as a bite for the next three hours. I was targeting Largemouth and Smallmouth so I didn't bring any chovies to test my luck with strippers or cats. At 9:30 I decided I had had enough and needed to get back home to celebrate the day. As I was pulling the tube to the shore, I decided one more cast off the point. Of course, that is the time I hook into this smallie. Pic is attached. I guess I just haven't gotten the correct technique for the Lake Mead bass. Frustrating, but still a great time. Threw all sorts of plastics, but this one came off a Rat-L-Trap.