10-09-2009, 09:00 AM
Being that I drive through the Ocoee area every two weeks on my visits to see the boys.... Kevin and I have been able to fish twice on this beautiful lake. Shakey Heads are the usual from everyone I&#39;ve spoken to that has fished there... Kevin as you all know loves the frog. Well, yesterday the weather wasn&#39;t stellar, so we donned our rain suits and headed out to find a few... The reports as we launched around 3pm as others pulled out &quot;we caught only 5 all day....&quot; seemed to be the norm. So the number was set that we had to beat those guys. We had to catch more than 5. I mean, it&#39;s a full moon... a slight rain... calm water. There was NO pattern of any kind. Fish were random and not relating to any pattern we could find. We fished bluffs, points - main lake and secondary, and a couple of nice flats. We&#39;d catch one, then move on... we got to 10 and felt as though we had done better than the ones we talked with. Finally gave up shortly after 7pm when we just weren&#39;t as enthused as we were when we got there. Frog Toggs worked like a champ. It&#39;s SOOO nice to fish in the rain and not get wet for a change.... <br />A few pics of our catch. Thanks Kevin!