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ditchdoc666, Chick, BASS, 11-16-09
Well after a month fixing up the house and getting all the honey-do's done I headed out today just for a sanity break!! Started about 10am up above the Nuke on some deep water structure that is good this time of year and only picked up 2 around 2.5# each they were really pulling water today so thought it would turn them on better caught on C/R rigs orange 6" ribbon tail,decided to fish shallow pebble banks and that was the ticket today ,8-12ft of water and on a deep-wee-r C/B fished real slow nothing large but ended up with 19 bass and a 8# drum in about 1-1/2 hours water was moving good today and temp was 59-60deg depending,was a great day out and needed the recharge.

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