12-05-2009, 12:45 PM
As many of you know by now, an Animal Rehabilitator from Moodus obtained a barred owl with a rusty, unpadded, untagged 1 1/2 long spring trap ( with no chain ) on November 25th.
This made News in both the press and local TV stations.
The CTA and the CT NWCO organizations have been right on top of this once the news item was aired on Fox 61.
This incident is now being called a "poaching" concern by the DEP who is now working with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the investigation of this incident.
Of course, the HSUS jumped right on this and started their usual dialogue about banning the foothold with their unwarranted, uneducated, and emotion based charge of the cruelty of trapping, the need to ban it completely and the overall opinion that this was done by a trapper.
With the press release by the DEP announcing this as a poaching concern, not a trapping related event, will hopefully inform the public that licensed, ethical trappers would not have been caused this crime.
Today, Tip Garritt and Herb Sobanski of CTA attended a press conference in Hartford along side the CT NWCO organization announcing a $5,000.00 reward for the capture and conviction of the person responsible for this crime and illegal act.
Rest assure, the CTA will be ready for the next battle the HSUS and other Animal Rights organizations plan for any initiation of submitting legislation to ban the foot hold trap, conibear trap or trapping in general in Connecticut.
I hope you are all having a fruitful season so far.
This made News in both the press and local TV stations.
The CTA and the CT NWCO organizations have been right on top of this once the news item was aired on Fox 61.
This incident is now being called a "poaching" concern by the DEP who is now working with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the investigation of this incident.
Of course, the HSUS jumped right on this and started their usual dialogue about banning the foothold with their unwarranted, uneducated, and emotion based charge of the cruelty of trapping, the need to ban it completely and the overall opinion that this was done by a trapper.
With the press release by the DEP announcing this as a poaching concern, not a trapping related event, will hopefully inform the public that licensed, ethical trappers would not have been caused this crime.
Today, Tip Garritt and Herb Sobanski of CTA attended a press conference in Hartford along side the CT NWCO organization announcing a $5,000.00 reward for the capture and conviction of the person responsible for this crime and illegal act.
Rest assure, the CTA will be ready for the next battle the HSUS and other Animal Rights organizations plan for any initiation of submitting legislation to ban the foot hold trap, conibear trap or trapping in general in Connecticut.
I hope you are all having a fruitful season so far.