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Ohio Accepting Requests for Federal Funding for Land Preservation Projects in the Lake Erie Watershed
SANDUSKY, OH - Communities within Ohio's Lake Erie Watershed seeking to acquire land for preservation and recreation can apply for up to $3 million per project in federal grants through the Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program (CELCP). The program is administered in Ohio by the Department of Natural Resources' Office of Coastal Management.

CELCP was established in 2002 to help protect coastal and estuarine lands that are considered important for their ecological, conservation, recreational, historical or aesthetic values; sites with these characteristics will be top contenders for funding. Sites within Ohio's designated Coastal Management Area will be given highest priority, followed by sites in coastal counties and then other sites in the Lake Erie watershed.<br />
Municipalities, park districts and other public entities can submit applications until 5 p.m. Tuesday February 16. Projects funded under CELCP can request up to $3 million in federal dollars and require a 1 to 1 match from nonfederal sources.<br />
Ohio will nominate up to three projects and submit them for consideration and funding by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA ranks projects received from each U.S. coastal state and territory nationally and makes recommendations to Congress for funding. Federal fiscal year 2011 funding will be available in June 2011.<br />
Application materials can be found by selecting the CELCP link under the "Grants" heading at or by contacting Ohio's CELCP Coordinator Sandra Kosek-Sills (<br />
Since the CELCP began, Ohio has secured more than $16.8 million for 18 projects that leveraged more than $45 million local dollars to acquire and conserve over 3,500 acres.<br />
The ODNR Office of Coastal Management works to achieve a balance between use and preservation of Lake Erie's coastal resources, in collaboration with its partners, by effectively administering the Ohio Coastal Management Program.<br />
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR web site at


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