[quote DKStroutfitter]K2,
The buoys are now in their new permanent position.
I got this info from the DWR and I trust it to be true.
The snow removal is another topic in it's self.
The people in charge told me that it wasn't safe for their driver to plow the pull-off by the caretakers place.
It will take a lot of protesting form anglers and taken to a higher authority for this to change.
I also called about the parking at the marina/port ramp and was given the run around there.
Something about no money and they don't want people using it for parking in the winter.
I asked about the anglers getting someone to push the snow and the answer was, this was tried a few years ago and the black top was dammaged by the person doing the snow removal.
All in all, they just don't want us in there in the winter.
I don't know where else to go![/quote]
Thanks...didn't think the buoys would be moved.
Yep IMHO the parking should be the main concern. I can understand totally about the Narrows area and the pullouts and the caretaker plowing them...it would be dangerous.
But totally unacceptable about the Port Ramp...damaged parking lot my arse (not directed at you...directed at the response you got)...if they don't want it used then put up a locked gate like the other areas.
IMHO again... it's because they can't rake in $$$ like during the summer. [mad]
They could plow the damn entire Port Ramp last year when they were making/shooting that damn movie scene...so damage the Port Ramp I'm raising the ole BS flag way up the pole on that-ta one. [pirate]
I say if folks who regularly fish PV can all pitch in and get someone to plow the Port Ramp road and at least the smaller parking lot west of the boat ramp...LETs get-ur-done. [

Damaged road and lot... what a large crock of bullshavicki crapola. [mad] [mad]