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Any other damn dam problems???
[cool][#0000ff]I have been past many of the dams in Utah during the past couple of months. I do not remember any dam besides Pineview that has the red barrier buoys. Just wondered if anybody else has seen any other dams thus "protected".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I would ask "Why?", but I learned a long time ago that any question that begins with the word WHY...and involves people or government...well, there ain't likely to be a logical answer.[/#0000ff]
Who really oversees the dams in this state? If it's a state park with dam then would it be the state???...PV is managed by the feds and maybe that's why you see the buoys. Just a hypothetical on my part....I could be wrong.

Another many of these other dams without buoys are really a stones throw away from a major city like PV is away from Ogden? Rockport comes to mind with the town of Wanship...but again who manages Rockport and the dam...isn't Rockport a state park.

Is this buoy mandate only on 'federally' managed waterways....hmmmm don't know.
[cool][#0000ff]Based upon what I think I know...if not that the dams are owned or controlled by several different types of interests. The water users downstream are generally deemed to be the ones in control. But the dams are often built with federal dollars, as well as state money.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Regardless of ownership or control, all dams can fall under the intervention of Homeland Security. Any dam with potential for great destruction in the event of breaching is subject to closures and restrictions enacted by the feds.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It simply occurred to me that if Ogden is at such great risk by sitting downstream from Pineview, how about Provo/Orem below Deer Creek? Or Heber City below Jordanelle? Or any other populated areas below any other dams? And what exactly are the criteria? How much potential damage does there have to be before a dam is put on the "red barrier list"?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Like other comments on the Pineview thread, I have found it ludicrous that they would try to protect the dam from ice fishing terrorists while leaving the road across the top of the dam open to a truckload of explosives...or the base of the dam open to access by anyone who wanted to pack in a boom boom.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Don't have to make no sense, man. It's the gummint at work.[/#0000ff]
i think east canyon has the big red bouys
I'm not sure what color they are but Deer creek and Jordanelle have them also.
[quote TubeDude][cool]
[#0000ff]Like other comments on the Pineview thread, I have found it ludicrous that they would try to protect the dam from ice fishing terrorists while leaving the road across the top of the dam open to a truckload of explosives...or the base of the dam open to access by anyone who wanted to pack in a boom boom.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Don't have to make no sense, man. It's the gummint at work.[/#0000ff][/quote]

Hmmm little extreme statement there don't ya think??? Yep it’s all a sinister plot by the government against anglers who only ice fish the PV Narrows.

There's a reason the buoys were moved and maybe the 'real' reason will be soon known. I'm think'n it's because PV is a federally owned/managed...but that's just me. Maybe the buoys will get moved back…maybe they’ll be totally removed. I kinda doubt it though.

Now and not to get into a water-stream contest, but why isn't any attention/pressure being made to the parking situation at the Narrows to prevent an accident from the vehicles parked partly in the road, folks walking around vehicles in the me an incident/accident scenario is more likely to happen because the lack of parking then anything with the dam itself.

So why isn't some pressures being made and questions asked about the lack of parking including plowing the Port Ramp for those who don't necessarily believe all the big fish (Crappie/Perch) solely reside in the Narrows?

Maybe I don’t see the ‘entire’ PV fish population being up the Narrows…yes I can and sincerely appreciate some anglers are upset with the buoys being moved…but really now…are the buoys more important than ensuring there’s parking and preventing a real incident/accident from happening involving a vehicle and/or a pedestrian because of the lack of parking???

What should we focus on 1) Buoys being moved or 2) adequate parking for vehicles and safe walking for people??? What would happen first 1) Buoys moved or 2) Plowing areas making parking more adequate at PV ????
"Hmmm little extreme statement there don't ya think??? Yep it’s all a sinister plot by the government against anglers who only ice fish the PV Narrows. "

[cool][#0000ff]You are 100 percent keerect. I have been knowed to pop off in the extreme. As I used to say about my dad "You can always tell an opinionated old fool. You just can't tell them much."[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In truth, I am happy that SOMEBODY is making SOME attempt to protect whatever manner. My only question is whether or not it is a complete program or only a half baked start.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Kinda like the full body scanning thing at the airports. After the recent episode there are more folks thinking more favorably about that.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]And, I'm witchoo on the parking. Talk about hazardous duty.[/#0000ff]
The buoys are now in their new permanent position.
I got this info from the DWR and I trust it to be true.

The snow removal is another topic in it's self.
The people in charge told me that it wasn't safe for their driver to plow the pull-off by the caretakers place.

It will take a lot of protesting form anglers and taken to a higher authority for this to change.

I also called about the parking at the marina/port ramp and was given the run around there.
Something about no money and they don't want people using it for parking in the winter.
I asked about the anglers getting someone to push the snow and the answer was, this was tried a few years ago and the black top was damaged by the person doing the snow removal.
All in all, they just don't want us in there in the winter.

I don't know where else to go!
[quote DKStroutfitter]K2,
The buoys are now in their new permanent position.
I got this info from the DWR and I trust it to be true.

The snow removal is another topic in it's self.
The people in charge told me that it wasn't safe for their driver to plow the pull-off by the caretakers place.

It will take a lot of protesting form anglers and taken to a higher authority for this to change.

I also called about the parking at the marina/port ramp and was given the run around there.
Something about no money and they don't want people using it for parking in the winter.
I asked about the anglers getting someone to push the snow and the answer was, this was tried a few years ago and the black top was dammaged by the person doing the snow removal.
All in all, they just don't want us in there in the winter.

I don't know where else to go![/quote]

Thanks...didn't think the buoys would be moved.

Yep IMHO the parking should be the main concern. I can understand totally about the Narrows area and the pullouts and the caretaker plowing would be dangerous.

But totally unacceptable about the Port Ramp...damaged parking lot my arse (not directed at you...directed at the response you got)...if they don't want it used then put up a locked gate like the other areas.

IMHO again... it's because they can't rake in $$$ like during the summer. [mad]

They could plow the damn entire Port Ramp last year when they were making/shooting that damn movie damage the Port Ramp I'm raising the ole BS flag way up the pole on that-ta one. [pirate]

I say if folks who regularly fish PV can all pitch in and get someone to plow the Port Ramp road and at least the smaller parking lot west of the boat ramp...LETs get-ur-done. [Smile]

Damaged road and lot... what a large crock of bullshavicki crapola. [mad] [mad]
I think that a back-hoe was used when the damage happened.
A plow is needed to do it without causing damage.
[cool][#0000ff]Maybe we can get a couple of RPGs from the terrorists. That will move some snow. But, it might also do more damage to the parking lot. Y'think?[/#0000ff]
TD we can go out for a walk on PV and you can be my dam tour guide! hopefully ill have some good dam questions! like where can i get some damn bait!?

what a great movie for those that dont know what im talking about
[cool][#0000ff]Dam straight.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Well, we ain't made it out together in tubes or toons since you been back...and I don't wave the fairy wand over running water much anymore. I guess sharing a few square feet of snow and ice is our next "shot".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]What kinda bait you be needin'?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Have your peeps contact my peeps and we will definitely get something goin'. I am seriously overdue my own self.[/#0000ff]
the ice freaks me out... im waiting for softwater!
[quote kochanut]the ice freaks me out... im waiting for softwater![/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]Also hard to drop a fly into those little holes in the ice. Better to get on the back of a snowmobile and troll.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I prefer soft water too, but I also enjoy drillin' and chillin'.[/#0000ff]
The person to send an email to is Randy Draeger at [url ""][/url] he is the acting district ranger for Pineview area. Just let him know there is a need for snow removable at the areas you would like to see it removed.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]I just sent an email to Mr Draeger. Stay tuned for his reply.[/size][/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
Kochanut...this is funny, I was talking to Lance Egan today. I was with my Brother in-law who was looking for the ICE SHACK.
I told Lance after reading about all the noise ICE makes while people are out there, I didn't understand why they still did it.

He told me, you want to hear the noise, that means the ice is growing, but if you don't, then you need to worry.

That made me think twice about trying a little DEEP NYMPHING with the short rod[Wink]

New many Dams are left that you CAN drive over them? Could this be one of the reasons for PV?
flamming gorge comes to mind
Cool ...haven't been there forever! any others?

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