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Trout Magnet
So i've seen a bunch of videos on these things and bough a pack. I haven't tried them out yet but are they really what everyone makes them out to be?
If we are talking about the same thing and I'm guessing we are. Then I bought a pack of them quite a few years ago and I just lost them! haha There were really small and my tackle box was a mess so they got lost in the mess somewhere and I never got a chance to try them out. I have heard good things about them before so maybe they are worth the money. I have thought about trying them again but I seem to do pretty good with what I already have so I haven't gotten around to buying them again. Lets us know if they really can attract fish like a magnet!
I can see why you lost them they are so small! But they seem to work in all those videos so I'll find out for myself hopefully sooner than later. Trout season starts in about 6 weeks for me and i can't wait to get out there.[fishin]
I ordered them a couple of years ago, and YES they sure do work. I love them.
[quote DSbass]So i've seen a bunch of videos on these things and bough a pack. I haven't tried them out yet but are they really what everyone makes them out to be?[/quote]
i bought some 2 days ago and i used them yesterday and they really do work i was catching fish all over the place with them; i was catching LARGE MOUTH, TROUT, WHITE BASS, SMALL MOUTH, CRAPPI, and BLUE GILL

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