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Can you catch Bullgill?
Can you catch Bluegill with those Berkley Gulp Earthworms?
Yes but the real thing will work better
I've used those and they work pretty well. I use small chunks of it on gamakatsu single egg hooks - size 14 & 12.

I use just enough to cover the hook. I find that this works best because gills will nibble the dangling parts of the worm away and you'll miss them if you try to set the hook before they actually get the hook in their mouth. Also, if they have the time to sit their nibbling at the bait they are more likely to feel or notice the hook and turn away. If it's just a small chunk they will usually just devour it. I can usually see the fish I'm targeting when I use this bait/method but that isn't totally necessary for it to work.

Try using only a hook, no weights or bobbers, if it is still possible to get the bait where you need it without them.

Pinching off small pieces of earthworm is kinda messy and gross, although I've done it many times. The gulps are "cleaner" to use, won't spoil, and will keep in you tackle box for a while. I'm still using the same ones from two seasons ago; they're a little dry but still work and rehydrate once they hit the water. They're not a complete replacement for the mighty versatile worm, but definitely a good trick to have in your bag.

If you're trying to catch big bluegill, larger pieces of real worm may be better, but I've caught bulls on a single piece of corn (not legal everywhere, check you local laws) So yeah, I like the gulps and have caught many bluegill with them. I've only used the "natural" color, haven't tried the other two.
I've never used that stuff in my life...but check this out...

Buy a bag of 5 inch Senkos from wherever...color really doesn't matter much.

Buy a package of size 14 baitholders or circle hooks if you can find them.

Cut the 5 inch Senkos into inch long pieces.

Hook the inch long Senko through the middle and cast it out.

After that...just HOLD ON!

From my experiences, that set up will out fish even the REAL thing.

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