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One More Gar Question
My husband wanted me to get on here and ask another question.. When is the best time for catching gar? High tide of low tide or does it matter? Just kind of wanting to know the best conditions and best times to catch them..

Thanks again for all your replies,

Renee' and Richard

Hey there FishFinAtIcs,

I checked a coupla of related sites and they said the best time was when the fish were hungry.. wait no that's being a wise guy.. couldn't resist. I've often had the best luck on shore and surf fishing 2 hours before and 2 hours after the first turning of the tide in a 24 hour period.

The longnose gar can be picky, according to what I read, as they don't eat when they are spawning but will strike if annoyed. They are also picky and usually bite best when there is a lot of bait moving in the water. They are a schooling fish so where you find one there will be other around for sure.

That's all I found other than the salinity of the water can also turn the bite off. Oh ya, Some people make a lure with velcro which gets caught in their teeth.

[laugh] Thanks so much Ron for the information.. I will let you know if it helps.. Especially the first one! haha! No, we really do apprecialte you looking that up for us. We have recieved so much great information and advice that has really come in handy..

Thanks so much,

velcro is illeagle in several states to use as a part of your lure , be sure to check with the d.n.r. first !

Hi lonehunter,

Just resting after a full 3 days fishing I was forced to do this week. Thank you for another interesting comment. Never thought that Velcro would be regulated but... go figure!! ha ha

I searched in the Salt and Freshwater regs for the DFG here in California and didn't see anything. That's no guarrantee! The hulk couldn't carry the actual regulation books for the DFG! I'm afraid to ask them as they may decide to REGULATE it if they haven't! ha ha

Could you let us know, when you can make the time, the states it's presently a no no?


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