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Glendale Tournament
I had a tournament up glendale on sunday 6-20-10 and i did fairly good. Im not sure exactly what i places but they only paid the top 20 spots. There were 120 boats out there this year. i Came in with a 5 fish limit weighing in at 5.48lbs. Like i said im not sure what place i finished but 20th place weighed in a 6.14lbs. So if i had to guess i was deff in the top 50 out of 120. It was a hard day of fishing. Alot of guys did not even get there limit. Me and my partner fished real slow with senkos and that seemed to do the trick. I was texas rigging his and i way wacky rigging mine. I boated 3 keepers and he boated 2. All in all it was a real good time fishing!
well bud at least you had 5 fish. I havent been out to much lately. I have a bad shoulder and hurts like hell to cast . Im going to see the Doctor on fri. i Got some bad burning pain down my left arm and at times[Image: sad.gif] it freaken hurts . I guess ill just have to drop my luer out of the back of the boat and hit the gas...LOL. And also my bowl unit on my jet drive is cracked again so i wont be getting out on the river for a while. there a little costly to replace the last one was around 2000$ bucks. Well tace care bud chat at ya later
Well i just got back from lake Erie last weekend. Me and my ole lady went camping up there. It was a blast, had great weather to. I did make it out on the boat fishing for a few hours saturday afternoon. It was overcast and looked like it was gonna rain. It did for about 5 mins but then it stopped. I took a short ride out on the main lake from the bay and started fishing some rocks and weeds with a berkley heavy weight worm wacky style. Well sure enough for a while there it was a large mouth every other cast. Once the sun came out and cleared things up it put a damper on things and the fish stopped.

Anyway sorry to hear you arnt feeling up to par Jeff. Gotta get that shoulder rested up for the fall fishing season. Sucks about the jet drive. $2000 bucks! Geezzz is it fixable? Cant you weld it or something? If its just a crack im sure there is a way to fix it.

Anyway i would love to come down there for a fishing trip with ya. I would not have a problem bring my boat down if yours is still not fixed. Id just tell my dad he is gonna need to set this one out. One thing though, you are driving! you know that river better than me. All i need to do is hit a rock. Not sure when that will be though. Im getting married in october this year and i need to finish all my remodeling before the middle of August so i can refinance my house to pay for wedding. BLAH!!!! So from here on in fishing is gonna be on the back burner till fall. But i may find some time to come down on a saturday. I will let you know if that happens. Well time to get back to work, ttyl.
Yes sir it can be welded . But i would rather replace it. It will only blow out the weld in a short time . Im takeing my boat to lakeside marine on tues for the Ins guy to look at . I just hope he covers it and then i will only have to pay 500$ bucks . Its better then 2000 grand..lolwell chat at ya later gotta get back to work take care

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