08-12-2010, 11:10 AM
COLUMBUS - The Ohio Department of Natural Resources, (ODNR) Division of Watercraft will award more than $1.3 million in grant funding next year to local communities throughout the state. Eligible activities include boating education and enforcement programs and boating access facility improvements.
September 1 is the deadline to submit applications to receive funding in 2011 through the Emergency Boating Access Program. This program may provide up to 100 percent funding assistance to eligible political subdivisions and state/federal government agencies for minor emergency repairs to existing boating access facilities in Ohio. Approximately $375,000 is expected to be awarded through this program in 2011.The maximum amount that can be applied for is $20,000 per project. All funded projects must be open and accessible to the general boating public. Projects sponsored by private individuals, clubs or associations on lands they control do not qualify for the program and will not be considered.
A deadline of October 1 is set for submitting applications to receive funding through the Boating Safety Education Grant Program. More than $360,000 is expected to be awarded for local community boating safety education programs in 2011. Grants carry a minimum local cost share of 25 percent of total program costs. Eligible applicants to receive these grants awards include political subdivisions at all levels, conservancy districts, state-supported school systems, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, U.S. Power Squadrons and 501 C-3 certified nonprofit organizations.
The Division of Watercraft is holding a special information workshop on August 31 for organizations planning to submit a 2011 Boating Safety Education Grant Program application. The workshop location is the Division of Watercraft administrative headquarters, 2045 Morse Road, Building A-2 in Columbus. To register, contact Mary Hughes at (614) 265-6674 or Teri Crace at (614) 265-6534
October 1 is also the deadline for communities to submit applications to receive funding awards through the Clean Vessel Act. This program supports the construction and renovation of waste reception facilities for recreational boats at public and private marinas and other facilities.
December 31 is the deadline for local law enforcement agencies to submit their applications to receive funding through the Marine Patrol Grant Assistance Program. This cost-share program enhances boating safety on state waterways by supporting local community marine patrol activities. Earlier this year, the division awarded a total of $557,003 to 28 local law enforcement agencies. Grant awards of up to $35,000 each may be awarded on a local cost-share basis with successful applicants providing a match of at least 25 percent of their total marine patrol program costs. This year's awards ranged from $6,716 to $32,000.
Applications forms and additional information on the grant programs offered through the Division of Watercraft are available online at www.ohiodnr.com/watercraft
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR Web site at www.ohiodnr.com.
September 1 is the deadline to submit applications to receive funding in 2011 through the Emergency Boating Access Program. This program may provide up to 100 percent funding assistance to eligible political subdivisions and state/federal government agencies for minor emergency repairs to existing boating access facilities in Ohio. Approximately $375,000 is expected to be awarded through this program in 2011.The maximum amount that can be applied for is $20,000 per project. All funded projects must be open and accessible to the general boating public. Projects sponsored by private individuals, clubs or associations on lands they control do not qualify for the program and will not be considered.
A deadline of October 1 is set for submitting applications to receive funding through the Boating Safety Education Grant Program. More than $360,000 is expected to be awarded for local community boating safety education programs in 2011. Grants carry a minimum local cost share of 25 percent of total program costs. Eligible applicants to receive these grants awards include political subdivisions at all levels, conservancy districts, state-supported school systems, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, U.S. Power Squadrons and 501 C-3 certified nonprofit organizations.
The Division of Watercraft is holding a special information workshop on August 31 for organizations planning to submit a 2011 Boating Safety Education Grant Program application. The workshop location is the Division of Watercraft administrative headquarters, 2045 Morse Road, Building A-2 in Columbus. To register, contact Mary Hughes at (614) 265-6674 or Teri Crace at (614) 265-6534
October 1 is also the deadline for communities to submit applications to receive funding awards through the Clean Vessel Act. This program supports the construction and renovation of waste reception facilities for recreational boats at public and private marinas and other facilities.
December 31 is the deadline for local law enforcement agencies to submit their applications to receive funding through the Marine Patrol Grant Assistance Program. This cost-share program enhances boating safety on state waterways by supporting local community marine patrol activities. Earlier this year, the division awarded a total of $557,003 to 28 local law enforcement agencies. Grant awards of up to $35,000 each may be awarded on a local cost-share basis with successful applicants providing a match of at least 25 percent of their total marine patrol program costs. This year's awards ranged from $6,716 to $32,000.
Applications forms and additional information on the grant programs offered through the Division of Watercraft are available online at www.ohiodnr.com/watercraft
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR Web site at www.ohiodnr.com.