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[shocked]My first post is a good one.
Chris and I went to Strawberry with out float tubes this mourning. We got to the Soldier Creek side and where on the water at 6:00 a.m. As soon as Chris cleared the moss bed he started to cast a Jakes spin-a-lure. 4th or 5th cast fish on, but it wasn't the trout he thought it was. It was a 15in. long 11 1/2in. around Smallmouth bass. After a day of catching bunch of 21 1/2in. cuts a few small cuts and 1 big bow we went to show the DWR.
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Wow! Thats the first time i have heard of smallmouth in strawberry. It is a good looking fish. What did the dwr say? By the way a big welcome to BFT. I look forward to more of your posts. Your right, That was a great first post.
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Thats a surprise . Welcome aboard !! New smallie water !! I guess it was a bucket planter ? I wonder if perch and walleye are next . Need to find out who is doing this . Still a nice fish .
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welcome aboard, i too would like to know what dwr said. it is a nice fish, but i dont thin strawberry is a good place for them. I mean how many more just trout lakes do we have left?. dont tell road about this he will be pissed.
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I don't know but I think the berry has got the feed for the smallies but not the growing season for them . If there are more of them in there I guess we will find out if they spawned in there . I would be curious if that smallie if female had eggs in it . They should have a later spawn than Jordanelle .
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yeah, i would not really mind having another bass lake. but my dad on the otherhand....
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[mad] The DWR officer and everyone operating the marina store were not pleased with the people that did this. They measured it and took some pic's. The fish had a recent scar from being caught, so we don't think it has been in there very long. Someone must be catching them at Jordanelle and taking them to the Berry.
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Good to have you on the board Woolybugger, bummer about the smallmourth in Strawberry though. WH2
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welcome Woolybugger ! And Thanks!
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If it was caught at Deer Creek or Jordanelle, what's the chance of transferring whirling disease with it?
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Probably no chance, because I don't believe the warm water species harbor whirling disease. I sure wish that they would catch some of these bucket biologists, it has got to be extremely frustrating to the UDWR when they do their best to manage a water and the bucket biologists keep planting fish wherever they choose.
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allright that is sooooo cool!!!![cool] i for one hope the smallmouth take off in strawberry!! it might be the thing that lake has needed for a long time!!!! i might need to start fishing there again..
from the fuzzyfisher-----------------fish on dudes
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I think this news is very disheartening. The DWR works hard to provide us with a quality trout fishery at Strawberry, but a few selfish people keep insisting on ruining fisheries by planting perch and smallmouth bass in them. There's no excuse for perch and walleye in Jordanelle, perch in Mantua, for example.
I love fishing for smallmouth bass. Probably my favorite fish to catch, but this is a really dangerous precendent that's being set. People can't just do this sort of thing and think that they're doing everyone a favor. The smallmouth will probably do well on the chubs in Strawberry, but people don't realize that a decent sized smallmouth will eat trout minnows and smaller trout too. This will hurt the trout fishery in the long run, and so you have to wonder if the cumulative effect is negative, because overall there will be less trout in the lake to eat chubs should the smallmouth take hold.
I think that they will likely put a bounty on smallmouth in Strawberry, so that anglers will fish them out.
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What a shame! Although it's cool to see smallmouth in more waters, I agree that we need to let the DWR and the REAL biologists do their job. Isn't Jordanelle good enough? It's a phenomenal smallmouth fishery! Do we really need smallmouth at Strawberry?
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That is a good looking Koke in that picture!!! What did you catch that on???? how deep of water??? As for the SMB, I have recently became a huge SMB fan, but as for Strawberry???? WHen are people going to learn to leave well enough alone??? I am no biologist and dont have the slightest clue what SMB would do to that fishery, but it cant be good. I look at it this way, if I want SMB I will go to Jordanelle, Pineview, or Deercreek, if I want nice trout I go to strawberry or scofield.
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That is a Rainbow not a koke. It was caught on a 4" tube jig in 40' of water. Now there's a story with some more info from th DWR on [url ""][/url]