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last week of ice fishing for me, I doubt we have ice after this week.... [:/]
cant say it hasnt been a good season even the count has been low, the poundage has been as good as any other year... mmmmm pike, goona start smoking them soon
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Its been clear of ice here for about a week.. I've had three trips on shore since, successful mostly. I got my biggest trout so far today. I didn't get a perfect size and weight but its under 20 and about 2 1/2 lbs, I'm pretty sure its cutbow. Got a penny in the background for some reference. Definitely going to smoke it too : )
So now the seasons over does anyone have any regrets about anything, like not getting a species or fishing a spot you wanted?
I was meaning to try the lake I went to today, but didn't. Other than that I feel pretty good about the whole season.
[inline IMG_1193.JPG]
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well, I didnt get all the gills and crappie I wanted. I harvested two pike. So I have two trophy heads to mount, that is a bonus. I got ice this year, some years we dont get none.
I did not make it out to my walleye spot again this year nor did I make it out to my trout spot either... I could go tomarow, but the price of gas is keeping me close to home.
I went out today, I managed one medium crappie for my efforts.. I actualy hit two lakes today...
I broke one ice fishing rod.
all and all, no complaints here. and I still have another day or two if ice.. but then it will be sucker season... whoooo hooo... Then after that it will be trout, pike and walleye season again, and after that it will be Bass season and after that it will be Stergeon season and after that it will be salmon season and after that it will be turkey season then deer season then it will be ice fishing season...
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I've already got crappie on three different trips, one at around 12 inches. One catfish, many gills, a few bass and lots of perch as well as two trout at two plus pounds. I'd trade them all for a couple days on the ice though.
You getting to fish lately, Dave?
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I just drove out to a half dozen lakes this morning. ice is out... I mean way out, you need a boat to get to it. [shocked]
the ice is anywere from 6-200 feet from shore at the lakes I stope by just a couple hours ago,
I fear the only ice I will see again this year will be in my cup of lemon aid.
I might grab the flyrod or my reg summer rod and head down to the river to see if anything is moving up.
so till things get movin, fish dinners may be comming from subway for the next couple weeks. [:p] BLTnT... with pickled jallopino and hot pickled Italian peppers...
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Subway's always been associated with fine seafood : ) Although I think I'd trust their tuna over Japans finest right now.
6 feet is jumpable, you just have to really want it. We didn't seem to have a transition period this year, it went from six inches shore to shore to nothing in a couple days, then all the sudden everything's on fire.
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you know that all the water they flushed in to those reactors came flushing out, and we dont need any one to tell us that it washed across ground then in to the ocean.
I realy feel for the general populous there.
so much was over looked,
so much was deemed un-nessisary,
so many lies told to the general public.
our navy is shipping freighter loads of fresh water over to clean off those bars and get them up and going again regardless to the cost and dangers to any type of life..
 ly enuff, the ocean tides will carry the radioactive water north the north where it will eventualy circle back around down the north american coast.
but ya, I would be afraid of anything comming from there right now, I do mean anything, from a monkey wrench to a can of pineapple.
reason being is that if they wont do thier own safty protection to help their own people, what make us think they will treat us any better?
Proffet margin is Proffet margin....
 , but is the truth, the worst part, it is no different here.
they said on the news this morning that new england was getting radio active fall out in the from of rain from japan.
dont get me wrong, I am not against nuke power, I just think they should build them so thay can be turned over end and over and over and land on its side.
Our ice when out over night as well, Ice usualy dose that, I have gone out in the morning and come back in the afternoon and see my self looking for some shallow water to tred in order to reach shore. I cant make that six foot hop anymore thiese days.
on the upside, I havent heard any one drifting off on a shelf of ice or falling though in michigan waters this spring. wich is realy amazing...
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Very disturbing to say the least, its going to effect everything in time. Makes me think a Soylent Green-like future isn't far fetched. Today's society might not find cannibalism a hard transition, if they advertise it right. From what I remember the people in the movie didn't seem too concerned when they were told they were eating people..
Remember Wednesday's will be soylent green day.
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I wouldnt be suprized if we arent already, I mean some of the ground beef on the market I swear smells like feet. [crazy]
but seriously, I saw on the news yesterday they started dumping nucular toxic waist back in the ocean again.
Japans answer to the problem is a no fishing between this point and that one over there law.
I am not picking on them. but this law dose not prevent any migritory fish from ending up on the market. *All the fish on the market are migritory...
Dumping all that hot water on top of a fault line cant be helping things any. I mean at what degree is the tipping point that will allow valcanic instibility? no one realy knows.
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I would have thought nuclear regulatory committee's would be ready for emergencies like this, with some better plan than "squirt some water on it". Where was the back-up pump, or emergency generators? I think they should have spent a little more time thinking about the earthquake that was sure to occur and less time painting pretty patterns on the facility.
Lets hope and pray at this point..
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the back up generators to operate the inadiquate back up pumps.
Well it was said on the news that the prepairness checks have been falsified for 10 years.
We just loaded a giant pump on a plain the other day to send over there, I saw that pump on the news, that thing is as big as a semi trailor and they used a semi tractor to load in on the plain.
The tractor and pump drove on to the plain tractor first.. I mean that whole thing was dam near as big as the plain, Lord only knows how that thing got off the ground.
wich of corse leads to, where is the water going? we all know that, but I thought they were going to pump nitrogen in to the cores. At least that is what they said last week.
From what I can tell from my ring side seat is they are refusing to call it quits, and are planning on salvaging it at all cost to life and nature. They know it would take 10-20 years to build a new plant. Its not like they have nucular rods sitting on a shelf in the back room.
I agree all nuke plants should be built to survive to with stand 20 ton bunker buster shells in order to be safe.
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Its crazy that they were able to build the thing directly on a fault line and right on the coastline. You'd think they'd be on the western shore's, or even better far inland. That's unsettling to think they might reuse the site, but it doesn't seem possible.
Its coming up on the 25th anniversary of chernobyl and they're still trying to prevent that from spilling out, I think its costing 800 million to rebuild the shell, maybe they can take the remains of the Fukushima and dump them on top of chernobyl, making a sort of nuclear disaster layer cake..
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to show how smart they are, the new dome thay are building to place over top of it will only last 100 years. they showed it on the news the other day.
Hopefuly some day. we will have enough robotics that we can go back in and rebuild a new ficility next to the old one and pick dig out the old unspent fuel and place it in to a new reactor.
I think they intentionaly built it next to the ocean so thay could have a place to dump used water. Well that is my guess. I realize also how hard it is to pump water up hill in to the mountainous areas. I agree they should have been built on the western side but that is all attomic waist in to the breeze and tieds now.
But here is the killer part. There are warning stones places around the island where tsunami have hit and how far in and upwards the serges went. Theise stones warn about building below a cirtain point.
on top of wich they know the island gets hit every 50 years or so. So there realy is no excuse for not knowing. Every body knows that sandy water in any water pump motor or generator motor is going to kill it cold.
It is realy  any way you look at it. And there is not a single nuke plant on earth that dosnt swear it 100% safe. Sure gives me the heebie geebies..
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Makes me want to get a geiger counter. I saw some salmon at a Albertsons, the label said caught in Japan, processed in China. Sounds to me like lead flavored salmon with a side of radiation, might as well have a cool glass of apple juice ( most of which is processed in China ) or go all out and drink melamine milk to wash it all down.
You said it all, heebie geebies.
Call me old fashioned, but I'd prefer my catfish and salmon to be from America, not China and Vietnam (Swai). By the way, are Cuban cigars still illegal?
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I didnt need to see that to be come wierie, the recent news articals of bottle nose dolphan ending up in the US market from that regeon or monkey meat "bush meat" ending up on the floor markets in rual and down town New York.
the only to stop the imports is to sink any ship that travels though the hazardous regeon.
Its  to say, but both you and I know that just aint going to happen.,
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That's good to know. No more Japanese live-monkey brains for desert anymore, I'll wean myself off them for now.
If they can't get enough food in that region they might have to raise the whale quotas. Whale could probably offer a solution to their food and energy needs. I'll bet whale meat could be good, deep fried in whale lard heated on a whale oil burning stove.
The milk issue is kind of scary, being on the west coast and all. But I heard officials say that its fine and there's nothing to worry about. You'd need to drink 1,500 gallons in eight days to reach too high a level, sure must have been hard on the test subject to find that out.
They didn't mention the long term effects of radiated food supplies for most farm animals and wildlife, not to mention people.
The only good news for Japan is a lesser fear of Popeye attacks, in that region at least...Because of the spinach..and his ptsd driven hate crime episodes..Due to his service in WW2. Of course that's assuming that there won't be sufficient spinach to power him and the radiation doesn't have the godzilla effect, which according to my understanding, would make him stronger. Then there's no stopping Popeye...
All that you need to do to stop those ships is alter the chinese's shipping routes so they form a solid wall blocking them off. But of course if the Japanese fish is being processed in china that doesn't seem logical.
Maybe those green peace people could be helpful for once by menacing some of those super container ships with "slightly radiated cargo".