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Professional Outdoor Media Association Communications & Marketing Webinars
Johnstown, Pa. - The Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA, announced a new webinar service focused on journalists and communications and marketing professionals. The service kicks off with the webinar "News Flash - You Need an Online Newsroom" slated for March 23, 2011 from 3-4 p.m. EST. The first webinar is available at no charge, but space is limited.

Register now for the "News Flash - You Need an Online Newsroom". Go to:

Beginning with the April webinar, POMA members may enjoy the sessions at no cost. Non-members may attend for a minimal fee of $20 per 30-45 minute webinar or may choose the option of signing up for a subscription bundle, six or more webinars, and pay just $10 per event.

POMA unveiled a schedule of monthly webinars for the remainder of 2011 but also explained webinars will be added if/ when issues, legislation or other factors call for immediate attention.

To be alerted of additional webinars, sign up for the POMA News & Releases e-mail service at:

2011 Webinar Schedule

March: Online Press Rooms. Communication guru and POMA Board Member Tammy Sapp reveals recent media survey data related to what makes a great online newsroom. She'll reveal how some businesses are failing and how others are succeeding with their online newsrooms.

April: Getting the Most out of Your POMA Membership. Posting news, updating profiles, directory searches and downloads. Plus 10 tips from veterans on how they use POMA to make more money.

May: Do You Have an App(etitie) for Business? Hear from 2011 POMA Annual Business Conference presenter Jim Goldstein. Jim will discuss mobile apps and why you need one, as a preview to his conference sessions.

June: Posting News to the POMA Website. (Members Only) Sure, you send press releases to everyone in the outdoor industry, but if recipients aren't e-mail focused that day or are in the field, your message may be missed. Back up your marketing efforts by posting news and releases through the POMA website. News and uploaded is immediately posted to the website and accessible to members and the public. In addition, each News item or release is included in the next weekly issue of POMA Briefs. News and release also are highlighted on POMA's social media sites. And guess what - it's a free service to members.

July: Vocus Keyword Searches. Want to know what bloggers are talking about? Want to search social media for mentions of your company or a list of specific keywords? Wonder what bloggers are saying about hunting, fishing or the shooting sports? Then learn more about POMA's new Social Media & Blog Search Service.

August: So You Want to Become an Outdoor Broadcaster, Videographer or Writer? Veteran industry journalists tell you how to get started and what it takes to become successful.

September: Monetize Your Blog. Three panelists will each share five tips on how to monetize a blog. They'll touch on everything from honing blog focus to entice advertisers, to growing readership, selling products to readers and much more.

October: Connecting with the Media. If you expect membership in an organization like POMA, or exhibiting at a major tradeshow or an online newsroom to be the magic potions that generate ink for your company, forget it. Here hard-core journalists tell you what it takes to get their attention, work with them on projects and see resulting coverage.

November: Working Trade Shows Effectively. Along with the New Year, comes the blistering outdoor-industry trade- show season. During this webinar, veteran journalists will share their work plans for success. They'll discuss advance planning, time management, splitting up the load, working with interns/apprentices, finding stories others won't and more.

December: Damn Finances. What freelancers/independent contractors can do now to make tax time more manageable, and less, well, taxing.

Media Contact

Laurie Lee Dovey, Executive Director<br /><br />


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