04-30-2011, 11:10 AM
COLUMBUS, OH - Seventeen Ohioans were recently honored for their commitment and hours of service to boating safety education in the state. The recognition came from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Watercraft as part of National Volunteer Week, April 10-16.
Galloway resident Mike Hall has been a volunteer with the Division's Scenic Rivers Stream Quality Monitoring (SQM) Project since its conception in 1986. This year marks his 25th year as a volunteer with the project. He has engaged hundreds of students in the Darby Creek watershed from Franklin Heights High School (Southwest City School District) and St. Cecilia's Elementary School as well as making SQM a family event for his wife and children. Each year he conducts Stream Quality Monitoring demonstrations for various youth organizations.<br />
"Certainly, Mr. Hall's long-term commitment sets a new mark for volunteer service in supporting Ohio's stream quality monitoring and improvement efforts," said Pamela Dillon, chief of the ODNR Division of Watercraft. "It is with great appreciation that we recognize all the efforts of our volunteers for every single hour of service."
Mentor-on-the-Lake resident Cecilia Duer received a 1,250-hour Volunteer Service Award. Elaine and Robert Mravetz of Sharon Center each received 750-hour Volunteer Service Awards. Corey Umstott of Cambridge received a 500-hour Volunteer Service Award. Michael Westrick of Wickliffe and David Pierce of Painesville each received 250-hour Volunteer Service Awards. Patrick Casenhiser of Akron, Jack Franz of Medina, Tivia Hylton of Columbus, Emily King of Galena and Jake Stelzer of Cambridge each received 100-hour Volunteer Service Awards. Craig Fisher of Springfield, Henry Lipian of Cleveland, Christy Morgan of Medina, Lawrence Simonetti of Akron, and James Wallace of Akron each received 60-hour Volunteer Service Awards.
The Division of Watercraft's volunteer program, established in 1983, aims to keep recreational boating a safe and enjoyable activity and to protect and monitor Ohio's State Scenic Rivers for all Ohioans. To learn more about Ohio's boating education, State Scenic Rivers programs and volunteer opportunities, information may be found online at www.ohiodnr.com/watercraft or by "Liking" the Division of Watercraft on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ohiodivisionofwatercraft or following it on Twitter at www.twitter.com/OhioWatercraft.<br />
ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR Web site at www.ohiodnr.com
Galloway resident Mike Hall has been a volunteer with the Division's Scenic Rivers Stream Quality Monitoring (SQM) Project since its conception in 1986. This year marks his 25th year as a volunteer with the project. He has engaged hundreds of students in the Darby Creek watershed from Franklin Heights High School (Southwest City School District) and St. Cecilia's Elementary School as well as making SQM a family event for his wife and children. Each year he conducts Stream Quality Monitoring demonstrations for various youth organizations.<br />
"Certainly, Mr. Hall's long-term commitment sets a new mark for volunteer service in supporting Ohio's stream quality monitoring and improvement efforts," said Pamela Dillon, chief of the ODNR Division of Watercraft. "It is with great appreciation that we recognize all the efforts of our volunteers for every single hour of service."
Mentor-on-the-Lake resident Cecilia Duer received a 1,250-hour Volunteer Service Award. Elaine and Robert Mravetz of Sharon Center each received 750-hour Volunteer Service Awards. Corey Umstott of Cambridge received a 500-hour Volunteer Service Award. Michael Westrick of Wickliffe and David Pierce of Painesville each received 250-hour Volunteer Service Awards. Patrick Casenhiser of Akron, Jack Franz of Medina, Tivia Hylton of Columbus, Emily King of Galena and Jake Stelzer of Cambridge each received 100-hour Volunteer Service Awards. Craig Fisher of Springfield, Henry Lipian of Cleveland, Christy Morgan of Medina, Lawrence Simonetti of Akron, and James Wallace of Akron each received 60-hour Volunteer Service Awards.
The Division of Watercraft's volunteer program, established in 1983, aims to keep recreational boating a safe and enjoyable activity and to protect and monitor Ohio's State Scenic Rivers for all Ohioans. To learn more about Ohio's boating education, State Scenic Rivers programs and volunteer opportunities, information may be found online at www.ohiodnr.com/watercraft or by "Liking" the Division of Watercraft on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ohiodivisionofwatercraft or following it on Twitter at www.twitter.com/OhioWatercraft.<br />
ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR Web site at www.ohiodnr.com