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Spring chinook fishing to open on Lookingglass Creek
LA GRANDE, Ore. - For the first time in a decade, Lookingglass Creek, a tributary to the Grande Ronde River, will open to fishing for hatchery spring chinook salmon on Saturday, May 28.

According to Tim Bailey, ODFW district fish biologist, the spring chinook season is possible thanks to changes in the local hatchery program.<br />
"We've revamped the hatchery program for Lookingglass Creek in order to provide more consistent fishing opportunity," Bailey said. Biologists predict this year's return will be about 1,000 chinook, most of them hatchery fish.<br />
The open area is from the Moses Creek Lane Bridge (County Road 42) upstream to the confluence of Jarboe Creek. The fishery will remain open until the harvest quota is reached. ODFW biologists anticipate the season will run through early July but will be monitoring the harvest weekly to insure the quota isn't exceeded.<br />
Anglers may retain two adipose fin-clipped chinook adults and five adipose fin-clipped jacks per day, with two daily limits in possession. Jack salmon are less than 24 inches long. Anglers do not need to record jack catch on their combined angling tags, but it is illegal to continue fishing for jack chinook once the adult bag limit is met. Unmarked (wild) fish must be released carefully and unharmed.<br />
As with the trout fishery, which also opens on the Creek on May 28, anglers are restricted to artificial flies and lures while fishing for salmon - no bait is allowed.<br />
"There are threatened bull trout in Lookingglass Creek, and bait fishing could pose a threat to them," Bailey said.<br />
Access to the area open to fishing is through private timberlands owned by Forest Capital and open to public. Anglers are reminded to respect private property by picking up their trash when leaving.<br />
For more information about the fishery, contact the ODFW Northeast Region Office in La Grande at (541) 963-2138.<br />


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