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possible deer hunting contest?
So i was just wondering how many of you fine ladies and gents that visit the Idaho hunting forum would be interested in a friendly BFT deer hunting contest? with a small prize as determined by me which i will supply out of my own pocket. it would be teams with 2 people per team as i am not expecting a huge amount of people to participate. the short version of how it would work is like this. first off every contestant is responsible to obtain the proper idaho hunting licences and tags that are required by idaho state law to harvest deer. two people per team every deer killed by a team member is worth 5 points, buck or doe. with an extra point awarded for every point a buck has. so if a team mate has an extra doe tag he could potentially get 5 points for a doe and 5 points for a buck plus the extra points for the points on the bucks rack or a teammate could kill two does for a total of 10 points (if the teammates tags permit). the team with the most points at the end of the very last open deer hunt in idaho wins. in the event of a tie the team that is tied for points with the most deer harvested wins. other rules include each participant enters the contest by signing up on a separate thread that will be created by me with a deadline to enter. teams will be chosen completely at random. to submit a deer a contestant will have to submit a picture of themselves with the deer. this means the contestant in the picture with the deer. the picture must include the deer body so that no mounts can be entered into the contest. a date on the picture from the camera or a piece of paper with 2011 written on it bold enough to see in the picture so that no deer harvested from the previous years can be submitted. this contest would be just to have a good time and for everyone to keep in touch through the hunting season and maybe generate a little more traffic to Idahos hunting forum. there would be no reason to argue or bicker over anything as i can assure the small prize for winning will not be worth arguing over.

this contest is in know way affiliated with

so how many think they could have some fun with this?do you think its a good idea? let me know with responses. who knows this could turn into an annual thing. im excited about it.
sounds interesting . keep us informed .
im game. im out of luck though my hunting partner mr ramell cant hunt this year, hmmmm[Wink]
now now i was going to claim mr. ramell for my team.......
Sounds like fun. Count me in.

Any legal means of take, I assume.
I'm in
lets do it.
Would a nonresident be allowed to participate? Not sure if I understood you right but do you pick the team or do we sign up as a team? I have relatives that reside in the Boise area and Mt. Home.
yes a non resident with a valid idaho liscence and tags may participate and the teams will be drawn completely random after i get all the participants. the team will probably be announced the last week of august right before the first deer hunts open up. the only other rule is that they must be a member of and introduce themselves on the idaho fishing board.
I'm in! Sounds like fun. Keep me posted.
ill play if i can find money to buy my tag by the first...
Thanks, you can put my name down as well. Looking forward to a good hunt in the Owyhees this fall.
you dont need to have your tag by the first just let me know you are gonna participate buy the last week of august.
I'm in!

Now somebody tell me where to catch a salmon on my fly rod?
Sounds like fun but the only way i will win is if something huge walks in front off me righ off the bat.... not very picky. you should also do an elk and antelope contest
the fun is that there is not going to be 50 to 100 people participating so a team with a couple of does could still take the whole if you snag an extra doe tag. remember there is a second drawing in august so if you forgot to put in or didnt draw the first time get on it. and that can up your odds of winning quite a bit.
I'm in, but only if I can be on ddahl3's team. He shoots some monster animals.
Count me in, I scrounged up the money, sold the truck, car and took out a second mortgage to do it but it got done. Being a 300$ non resident tag it will be the only deer tag i get in idaho so if your on my team there will be no bonus doe tags.
Even seen some decent deer up there that hopefully won't have a reason to move too far.
With our archery hunts in Utah just a couple weeks away I will probably be busy here in Utah trying to punch a tag or two (Elk & Deer). I would like to make sure you enter my name in your Idaho deer contest. My hunt doesn't start in Idaho until 1 Nov. and I don't have a doe tag so it will be a buck only for me, thanks.
Have you set up the sign up thread yet?

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