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What kind of fisherman are you????
[size 1]There are two types of fishermen: those who fish for sport, and those who catch something. If I am like most, I get my fair share of both worlds. I practice catch and release as well as catch and eat. I enjoy fishing for trout, bass, cats, and panfish in fresh water. Whenever possible I do get the flies wet too. I enjoy C&R for sharks and rays in the saltwater. What do you like????????? [/size]
Well tubeN2, I think I'm both--fish to catch as well as for sport that is.

I kept most of my fish in the past until I got into float tubing in the bay, then I started to release all the bass I caught.

I took a mini vacation to Mammoth Lakes over the last weekend and I got into fly fishing for the first time. As you know, C&R is almost mandatory for flyfisherman. Over the weekend I released all the trouts I caught in streams and Crowley Lake. Then I kept some trouts I caught in Lake Mary for dinner [laugh]. Old habbits die hard!

I must say that C&R has a lot of merit. Crowley Lake is strictly artificial, barbless hooks and C&R at this time of the year. There must've been close to a hundred float tubers out by the Hilton Flat area of Crowley. I've never seen so many tubers in my life! I thought I was in a swimming pool. There were a lot of people hooking up constantly, and with quality fish too. I would say the average was 12 inches. I had a field day out there! I even caught an 18" on my first time out fly fishing. I don't think this kind of fishing can exist if everyone took their fish home.

Funny thing was that when I decided I was going to release my fish, I started catching a lot more and I enjoyed fishing much more. From now on I would only keep fish if I decide to consume any for the day. Fly fishing for trout on a float tube is a deadly combination, a few successful anglers can ruin a fishery in no time.


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