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[size 3]38-35 in OT. One of the best games I have ever seen!![shocked][shocked][shocked][/size]

[size 3] And some of the worst calls I have ever seen[unsure][unsure][/size]

[size 3] You had to see to believe. You would of thought you were watching the Superbowl!!![sly][/size]

[size 3] Colts 5-0, a well deserved game. NFL HISTORY RECORD GAME.[cool][/size]
That was a crazy game. Reminds me of the Jets comeback against the dolphins a couple of years ago. I can't believe Tampa's D choked like that.

Can't take nothing for granted in today's NFL.

And yes the officiating was especially bad as usual.
[Tongue] After the 1st half it looked like TB had it hands down. That's exactly what they did and lost. CHOKE!!!!!!!!!!!! They should have kept focused on the job that they had at hand and let their superbowl ticket take care of itself.[shocked] Nice try though.
[size 2]You ever get that feeling that someone is going to win or somehthing?[/size]

[size 2] Even seeing the Bucs killing them the first 2 quarters I still had this feeling the Colts were going to come back. I needed to eat and take a shower but I couldn't leave the t.v. because I could feel in my bones something incredible was going to happen, and it did[shocked][/size]

[size 2] Besides some of those horrible calls I thought the funniest things was the Colt's kicker. He was 100% this year prior to his first field goal attempt of the night.[/size]

[size 2] Then he missed it. Penalty flag on Defense and Colt's get to re-kick so they do, and the kicker almost misses again from like 25 yards out and banks it in![shocked][/size]

[size 2] What is he playing pool? How could you almost choke twice from 25 yards!!! I can kick 25 yards!![sly][sly][/size]
[cool] My son had a pretty good laugh over that missed field goal. He is the kicker for his High School football team. He is only in 10th grade but he is kicking 60yds with ease on the Varsity team.

I now have him working on aquatic therapy with him as his kicking coach. The head coach knows nothing about float tubing but he just understands that my son is getting better and better with his kicks. We have a few lakes in the area that we can do his aquatic therapy(float tubing) at.

Who could ever imagine that a workout could serve two purposes at one time.
That was one hell of a Monday night game and the best one I have seen in awhile!!! Even though I lost 45 dollars on the game, I am not that upset. Manning did an awesome job getting the offenses head back into the game and tiring the Bucs defense. I know a lot of people are blaming the "Leaping" penalty on the missed FG attempt, but the Bucs should have never been their to begin with. Hell, not even my Raiders have blown that big of a lead in the 4th quarter LOL
[size 2]God I love NFL Football!!! I do I do I do[sly][sly][sly][sly][sly][/size]
I am not a fan of either team!!! So a non bias complaint here!!! But what was up with the officiating in that game???? [crazy] Two 2 minute warnings at the end, plus the flag was thrown more than not. Plus the call at the end on that missed field goal. I didnt care who won. But some crappy calls!!!
[size 2]Real crappy. But was soo funny is Colts got more penalties than anyone and they won![sly][/size]

[size 2] What's up with that![crazy][/size]
that game was rediculous!!! i think the bucks got screwed on that call where the guy landed on his teammate! that was pretty dumb! oh well....exciting game.

Actually the leaping wasn't a bad call, just a bad rule. Plus TB got away with one when they punted the first time in OT. Rhodes never touched the kicker. Tupa backed into him.

Like Teroy said: TB should never have been put in that spot.

I had mixed feelings about the whole game maybe cause I lost something with TB losing, but as great as it was for the Colts coming back the way they did, it was pathetic how TB looked so helpless. How many 3rd and longs do you have to give up, before you finally try something different?

Typical TB football. They always lose games they should win during the season, bu they always sack up and make it to the playoffs.

Bottom Line: Never put money on Tampa Bay or Washington[mad]
[size 2]I forgot about the kicker!![mad] A Colt blocked the kick and landed to the side of the kicker, did not touch him. [/size]

[size 2]( These kickers are trained in those situations to hold there legs up in the air extra long so someone might run into them ) [/size]

[size 2]This guy went above and beyond and hopped sideways and fell over the Colt that already was on ground[crazy] So friggin stupid![/size]

[size 2]And that rule about unsportsman like conduct for hopping on another player. Stupid[crazy][/size]

[size 2]Hey shewicker , how did you like the crowd chanting [url "mailto:bullsh@t"]bullsh@t[/url]!!! Live TV, they couldn't edit it out.[/size]

[size 2]I was laughing my butt off!![sly][sly][/size]
I was wondering if they were yelling about the call or their teams play.

21 points in under 4 minutes against that defense is amazing.

Now all Manning has to do is win a playoff game.
ya I saw that, though I admit that was the best come back of all times in the last few minuts of a game, how ever that game was a givme right at the feildgoal attempt. personaly I thought that was a bad call on the block by the refferee. when they showed the play back you could deffinatly see that that guy (cant rember his name) sprouted wings and did not use any aid in attaining the hight required to block that goal attempt.

but in the reff's defence, they made a lot of bad calls through out the entire game. lol we need to get the local loins club to donate some spetecals to improve their[sly]

deffanatly was a nail biter lol
[size 2]My wife walked in and heard it because I had the TV so loud and I put on the close caption to be for sure and they were chanting " [url "mailto:bullsh@t"]bullsh@t[/url] " over and over again until the censors had the microphones around the field turned down[sly][/size]

[size 2] And I think it was the call they didn't like[unsure] But they didn't complain on the 20 calls against the Colts![mad][/size]

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