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26" cut from Strawberry
Myself, my wife and troutslayer47 decided to spend friday and saturday at strawyberry. Headed out bright and early friday morning. Fishing was pretty slow where we were at.Used a verity of stuff but the fish were being finicky. We did catch fish but it took alot of teasing. Around 11:30 I heard troutslayer yell head shaker so I grabbed my lip grips and ran over to his hole. The fish was doing the old circling the hole trying to break the line trick that big ones do. After about 10 minute this huge head came up in the hole and I locked the lip grips over its bottom lip and dragged it out of the hole. We both let out a holler when we saw how big it was. 26" cut that was around 7 lbs. Fattest cut I've seen come out of strawberry. Was around 6" thick. We ended up catching around 7 or 8 friday.
Headed out bright and early saturday morning to a different spot. Couldn't have been a better day weather wise. Fishing was a lot better there. Between 6 of us caught around 25 fish.
Beautiful fish dude! Congrats!
Nice fish, congrats!!
Hey thanks FF53!! that was a great two days.And yes its going on the wall.[cool]Ive thought about if i caught a great fish if i would keep or release. The answer came when that great fish was bleeding bad right out of the hole.It was a big lure to.
Congratulations thats a dandy fish for sure and will look great hanging on your wall[cool]
What Trophy!!! Congrats.
Thanks Remo 5 0.[cool]
Thanks joshomaru.[Smile]
Thanks trfishin i hope so.[cool]
Sounds like this ain't your first rodeo! Nice fish - guess ya gotta have the right kind of patience to land a beast like that. Nicely done! Enjoy your success - always good beating that next personal best!!!

Thanks for sharing - that's a pretty fish - though I don't think I'd wanna stick a finger in that mouth w/o a glove!
My wife had a monster brown on last year at Hyrum but we lost it at the hole. That's when I decided to get some lip grips.We would have had that one.
Thanks CoyoteSpinner[cool] And yes its not my first rodeo.My biggest Cut though.Bit like a small one.this will be my first fish mount.Ive turned a bunch off good fish back to catch another day.
Purdy fish there[Smile] That's what I like to see. Well done!
Nice fish! Congrats! I am patiently waiting for soft water Smile
Looking forward to a wiper outing. :-) I'll keep you informed.
Well done. We had one on a few weeks ago that did the circle dance and busted off. Good to see someone get a good one through the hole.

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