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Another Lower Bells report. Seriously.
So, after I flaked out on TubeDude (again) because work called (stupid work), I found myself at noon with nothing to do. I asked my 4 year old what she wanted to do today and she told me that she had a dream last night that we went fishing together, and that we probably ought to go. Damn, I love that little girl. Thanks to the twins, I had the perfect place to go.

Wow, there are a lot of fish in there. Wow, there isn't much water in there.

I wish I could say that we slaughtered them, but we just didn't. I didn't realize until we got to the lake that I left my "joe box" at home, and all I had with me was my fly fishing gear. This spelled doom for my little girl, but we gave it a go anyhow. In a few hours we managed to get three fish to the bank, all on flies.

[Image: IMG-20120410-00751.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20120403-00733.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20120410-00741.jpg]

Ya, ya, stock photos from a blah, blah. I don't care, I thought they were beautiful.

My favorite part of the day? Watching these to clowns try and be "sneaky" with their worms and power bait:

[Image: IMG-20120410-00745.jpg]

It kind of gives you away when this starts floating by:

[Image: IMG-20120410-00746.jpg]
I guess the 15 signs going up the hike and the giant sign at the opening of the lake that says ARTIFICIAL LURE OR FLY ONLY didn't do it for them. Tools.

And the final shot of my 4 year old, Sloan (yes, named after Jerry - Go Jazz!) bringing in her FIRST fish on a fly rod. Hooked it on a big green wooly bugger.
[Image: IMG-20120410-00749.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20120410-00750.jpg]
Good job TBD. Your welcome. PM sent!

Let me guess those bait chuckers didn't get a fish huh? Wish the sandy police woulda showed up! I have seen them many times up there. Bait chuckers beware! These guys were old enough to know better. I would have called them in to the DWR.

I saw a 7 year old tossing worms. In fact he came by my spot and was about to cast. He asked what you using to get all those fish. I said flies. He said "I'm using worms!" I said "you know that is agaist the law right?" He just Smiled and said "yeah I know!"

Oh that caused me to say "then you aint fishin next to me boy!" I decided that if he even got a nibble on that bobber I am calling the dwr! Luckily for that kid he never even got a bite LOL.

He was back the next morning at 7:05am, just 5 mins after my arrival with robertsfam. I saw that this time he didn't use the bait (probably waitin for me to leave) which was smart as a repeat offender would have had the DWR up there. He got a fish on a spinner. Man this kid was terrible at C&R!

He brought in the fish and he didn't wet his hands, takes the fish over 20 yards to his pack, lays it in the dirt, messes with his tackle box, later he is taking a pic of it, lays it on the ground again, re-ties his spinner knot, looks to see me staring at him sayin to my buddy "is he keepin that thing?" Then he tosses the fish in the shallows where is smacks bottom. Then floats till it eventually swims off once it floated to deeper water. That fish was out of the water for 10 mins total. Does that count as keeping it? It should!

And I thought my handle fish skills needed work! I about lost it.

Sorry for the hijack TBD! Next time I am bringing my binoculars to see if the other fisherman are using bait.
That 4 year old made it up that hike...what a badass...I see some big mountains in her future...unless of course there were some piggy back rides involved[Wink]
*DEER on your cell phone, its the same as poaching, at least report it
+1 reporting them if no one reports poachers there going to keep on doing it. I know some think its snitching but Theres a reason why they flag certain lakes and rivers artificial.

Baits can decimate small fisheries look at these urban ponds. Most are cleaned out a few months after stocking
[quote sinergy]

Baits can decimate small fisheries look at these urban ponds. Most are cleaned out a few months after stocking


You are an optimist. On many of them they are cleaned out in a few days.[frown]
[quote sinergy]+1 reporting them if no one reports poachers there going to keep on doing it. I know some think its snitching but Theres a reason why they flag certain lakes and rivers artificial.

Baits can decimate small fisheries look at these urban ponds. Most are cleaned out a few months after stocking[/quote]

Honestly, it crossed my mind to text my wife for the DWR number. I didn't know *DEER until about 30 seconds ago, and was wondering [#000080]deleted [/#000080]that guy above me was talking about. I would've loved to burn those losers down, but there really wasn't anything I could do at that time other than give a description of the clowns. In hindsight, I should have found the number and called.

At the very worst, I got to post a picture of them on the innerwebz for everyone to growl at. I bet they read this forum. [#000080]Deleted[/#000080]
The number is also on your fishing license, for future reference.

I've never called it, but if someone were to ignore my attempt to educate them about the regulations (which is my first step), I'd be tempted.

It also helps to have a cell phone, which I don't.


Aside from that old go-round, nice report, pretty fish, and that's a heck of a daughter you have there. Sometimes mine surprises me and says she wants to go fishing.

Daughters: Wrapping Daddies around their fingers since the beginning of mankind.[Smile]

Nice report.

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