04-17-2012, 11:10 AM
CLACKAMAS, Ore. - With high flows and poor water conditions continuing to hamper spring chinook fishing on the lower Columbia River, fishery managers decided today to extend the season through Sunday, April 22.
The spring chinook season was originally scheduled to close on April 6 but was extended through April 13 because of poor fishing conditions and low catches. Through April 13, anglers are projected to be at only 15 percent of the 12,700 upriver fish allocated preseason for recreational fisheries below Bonneville Dam.<br />
Steve Williams ODFW assistant administrator for Columbia River Fisheries, reminds anglers there probably will not be another season extension until after managers can update the run forecast in mid-May.<br />
"With fish passage at Bonneville Dam well behind expectations, we'll be hesitant to extend the season further until we have a better idea on how the run is progressing," he said. \<br />
As of April 11, 138 adult spring chinook have been counted at Bonneville Dam. The fish count at Bonneville Dam is one of the pieces of information used by managers to monitor and estimate the upriver run size.<br />
The river will remain open through Sunday, April 22 from Buoy 10 to Beacon Rock for both bank and boat anglers and from Beacon Rock to Bonneville Dam for bank fishing only. Similar to previous weeks, the river will be closed to salmon and steelhead fishing on Tuesday (April 17). The daily bag limit continues to be 2 adult salmon/steelhead in combination, of which only 1 may be an adult chinook.<br />
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Contact:<br />
Kevleen Melcher (971) 673-3030<br />
Jessica Sall (503) 947-6023
The spring chinook season was originally scheduled to close on April 6 but was extended through April 13 because of poor fishing conditions and low catches. Through April 13, anglers are projected to be at only 15 percent of the 12,700 upriver fish allocated preseason for recreational fisheries below Bonneville Dam.<br />
Steve Williams ODFW assistant administrator for Columbia River Fisheries, reminds anglers there probably will not be another season extension until after managers can update the run forecast in mid-May.<br />
"With fish passage at Bonneville Dam well behind expectations, we'll be hesitant to extend the season further until we have a better idea on how the run is progressing," he said. \<br />
As of April 11, 138 adult spring chinook have been counted at Bonneville Dam. The fish count at Bonneville Dam is one of the pieces of information used by managers to monitor and estimate the upriver run size.<br />
The river will remain open through Sunday, April 22 from Buoy 10 to Beacon Rock for both bank and boat anglers and from Beacon Rock to Bonneville Dam for bank fishing only. Similar to previous weeks, the river will be closed to salmon and steelhead fishing on Tuesday (April 17). The daily bag limit continues to be 2 adult salmon/steelhead in combination, of which only 1 may be an adult chinook.<br />
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Contact:<br />
Kevleen Melcher (971) 673-3030<br />
Jessica Sall (503) 947-6023