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burns my biscuts !!
ya' know what really burns my biscuts ? know matter it is what you buy , getting the right replacement part for something .

wether it's a knob for the kitchen cupboard , or a part for the car , ya' gotta search high and low for the "right part " , in some cases the thing you need the most you saw at a flea market a year ago with a .25cent sticker on it . heck you think you got it made when you got the bad part off , got the make and model number scribbled on a piece of paper along with the serial number , just in case along with the lifetime warenty . with a Smile on your face you shove the part on the counter along with all the necessary information . this will be a breese you think, that is untill you hear the words , "they don't make those parts anymore"

anymore ? hey i bought this thing brand new last year and i got a lifetime warrenty !

sorry bud , the warrenty and the company died two days ago .

you just gotta wonder what thoes auto manufacters are diong , auto parts salesman: so need a starter , what year , what month ? ohhh , you got your choise of a hundred and nintey seven of them , that is unless it was made after thursday of that week , then there might be a couple more to check out . is your car out in the parking lot so we can take a look at it ?

sure , it's parked right next to my lear jet ! how am i gonna start it with a busted starter !

and how about brake pads ? we won't even go there fellas , will we .

appliance parts person : what model washing machine did you say that button come from ? hhhmmmm , oh here it is 1.45 . wait a minute , that manufacturer went out of business . not the washer manufacturer , the button manufacturer , the replacement controll unit will cost you $287.98 plus tax and a service call . ya wanna buy a warrenty with that ?

aaaaaggggggghhhhhhh !
I hate burned bisquits
tee hee hee , me too ! i'm working on my honey-do list . the hard things are no problem , but thoes little fix-its are getting to me ! lol !
I end up keeping way too much stuff around, and when I finally throw them away I get screwed. Can't park the car in the garage anymore.
I know this feeling all to well I bought a 76 amc pacer that I have been restoring. and every part that I get for it when I finally do find somewhere tgat has it. I order the part and when I get it it is the wrong part. very frustrating. by the way you know anyone that would want ot buy an amc pacer. hahahaha.
oh you gotta love those restoration progects . i've done a few myself .

gremlins , civics , cuda's , chargers , the worst one was the old la mans hatchback , they never made replacement radiators , gettiing one recored wasen't cheap either , there half plastic .

your pacer , alum. block ?
no it isn't. why do you ask? I haven't had to do very much with the engine just an upper en drebuil I didn't even pull it out of the car. most the stuff I have done has been electrical.

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