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VIDEO Pauly's frog repair+knot
[Image: default.jpg?v=4fa61365][#0066cc]2:07[/#0066cc]
[url ""][#bf0000]Pauly's frog[/#bf0000] repair+knot[/url] Paulpro! now in HD
May 6, 2012 1:43 AM
[#000000]Pauly's frog[/#000000], fixed it with goop removed the original double hooks and added a size 3 off set shank worm hook.I tie my line through both the hook and the silver barbell ring the frog comes with,this silver ring you see is used to keep the frog from sliding down,the ring is double sided with the part inside the frog larger to keep it in place.Also I removed the weight, to me it makes for even easier hooksets.I even pinch the barb this way the hook penetrates easier..The bottom of the frog tears eventually,so I gooped it! [#bf0000]Paulypro!

Good luck catching that world record bass[Image: bobwink.gif]P.S.This is still the same frog from that old picture of it below.I just changed the hook before last trip.Last year it caught me my 2nd biggest bass ever! a seven!,the one below for Spencer was a good 4lb[Smile]

My digi scale stopped reading?broke so I used a spring scale[Image: sad.gif]
I'll watch it tonight, cant on school computer lol
School is cool ,I actually want to start a fishing school,get a lake first and stock it with Pacu[Wink]Anybody and everyone should be able to catch a giant pacu on a any trip. [url ""][/url]


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