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Bizarro-world craft store scud

I picked up a huge roll of irridescent plastic wrap on clearance at a a local fabric and craft store. I decided to try it as scud back and see how it looked. Liberace would have been proud!

[Image: DSCF2117.jpg]

[Image: DSCF2116.jpg]

[Image: DSCF2118.jpg]

Not the purtiest thing in the world and i need to get the dubbing a little fluffier and the shell a little looser to get better segmentation. I don't know how it would look over tan or pink-ish dubbing, but I'll find out later tonight.

Have you tried soaking one?
I'm going to go drown a few of them later tonight.

Let us know. I have found, not all hobbie supplies work well in water. I tried the holographic ribbons once...didn't last.
Survey Says?!

[Image: DSCF2119.jpg]

It may not be up to the sophisticated palates of middle or upper provo trout, but this one seemed to like it just fine.

[Image: DSCF2122.jpg]

I caught a couple smaller browns on it also. I also got a couple on an elk hair caddis that I skittered across the water. There were some diving caddis that would skitter across to near the edge of the stream and then disappear underwater for a couple of seconds and then pop back up. The fish were hitting them very hard.

The shell back on the scuds isn't nearly as gaudy underwater, but still maintains the iridescent look. I've got to figure out where the other dubbing I bought for scuds went and tie up a bunch more.

I've been one that uses craft store "substitutes"- but in the end I think the fly shop sells enough crap that doesn't catch fish, and if it does, it's 2x the price of craft store stuff.

I tie a similar "scud" in size 10 with a palmered hackle---i use a similiar backing. I continue to tie this pattern after 5 years. It works, as yours does.

Good looking flies!

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