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wendover area
[Smile]I have been told of a fishery near wendover, a lake that has a good Tail water. What lakes are in that area?
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Blue Lake is in that area though I have never fished it. It is a favorite with scuba divers in the winter because it never freezes and it's water clarity.[/size][/font]
Hi HFT Welcome to the Nevada Board. Good Question! I don't know to much about that area but I have found several lakes or reservoirs. If you are looking for a lake around Wendover well there are a few. I found Leppy Reservoir. Take Exit 405 from I-80 and head north. Just south of there is blue lake on Alt Hwy 93. This is on the Utah Nevada border. I do not know if either of these reservoirs are stocked with fish. Now if you want to go to Wells, Nevada then there are several lakes to choose from.

[Image: map_eastwaters600a.jpg]

Angel Lake, Ruby Lake, and Humboldt River to point out a few.

[size 6]A[/size][size 4]ngel Lake is a natural high alpine lake situated southeast of Wells, Nevada in the East Homboldt Range. Due to its high altitude of over 8000 feet and weather conditions, Angel Lake is not accessible to anglers until June through the first snow of October. Anglers can reach most of the lakeshore but the best access area to fish from the bank would be the eastern most bank near the dam. For those who tube fish this lake would be an ideal fishing area. Angel Lake contains brook trout, rainbow trout, and speckled dace which can be caught with PowerBait, worms, salmon eggs, lures and flies.[/size]

[size 4][font "TimesNewRoman"][size 2][/size][/font]

Ruby Lake is a natural, spring fed, high elevation marsh, located entirely on the Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge is divided into the North Dike units and the South Lake.

Ruby Lake lies at an elevation of 6,000 feet in a closed basin. The Refuge contains over 9,000 acres of lakes, ponds and waterways intermixed with islands and bulrush stands to the south and manmade dike units to the north. The marsh varies in depth from shallow to 12 feet deep. Ruby Lake Refuge contains largemouth bass, brown trout, rainbow trout, brook trout and an occasional cutthroat trout. The native Relict dace is present in many of the springheads around the lake. Harvest rates from 2002 creel census found a catch rate of 0.46 fish per hour and 2.05 fish per angler per day. The average harvest size was 10.16 inches for the bass and 16.93 inches for the rainbow trout. Typical bass fishing techniques include plugs, rubber worms, and spinner baits as well as bass flies for the fly fishermen. Most forms of bait: salmon eggs, worms, and Power Bait work on the trout as well as small lures and flies. Spring through early summer and the fall are the best times to fish for trout, while bass fishing is usually good spring, summer and fall. The North Dike area is open to fishing year around, but is restricted to shore fishing only. The South Lake is best accessed by boat after June 15. The Nevada Trophy Book lists several records for Ruby Refuge including a 9-pound largemouth bass captured in 1977, a 4-pound 14-ounce brook trout captured in 1981, a 25-pound brown trout captured in 1992, a 9-pound, 2-ounce cutthroat trout captured in 1998, a 13-pound, 13-ounce rainbow trout captured in 1991 and a State Record 13-pound, 13-ounce tiger trout (brown trout x brook trout hybrid) captured in 1998. [b][font "TimesNewRoman,Bold"]Camping
[/font][font "TimesNewRoman"]: A Forest Service operated campground is situated adjacent to Ruby Lake. In addition, there are several primitive camping sites scattered along the west side along the foothills. [/font] [center][font "TimesNewRoman"][size 2] Here is a another area north of Wendover[/center] [center][font "Chiller"][#008000][size 7]Crittenden Reservoir[/size][/#008000][/font][/center]

[font "TimesNewRoman"][font "TimesNewRoman"][#008000][size 4]Crittenden Reservoir is a privately owned irrigation impoundment built in 1956. The reservoir, at capacity, covers 260 surface acres to a depth of 40 feet. However, the reservoir remains full only about 50 percent of each year, usually prior to the irrigation season. By fall, the water level is usually close to minimum pool stage. Rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, bowcutt trout (rainbow trout x cutthroat trout hybrid) and largemouth bass are found in the system. Flies seem to be the ‘bait’ of choice, although small lures can be very successful. Typical bass fishing techniques work for the bass. Spring and early summer as well as fall are the best times to fish. Late spring and early summer are the most productive times for bass fishing. The entire parameter of the reservoir is fishable, however, the west and east shorelines are the easiest to access. Float tubing is very popular. Trophy fish include a 5-pound 8-ounce largemouth captured in 1976 and an 11-pound rainbow caught in 1985. [/size][/#008000][/font][font "TimesNewRoman"][#ff0000][size 4]Camping: No overnight [#ff0000]campin[/#ff0000][/size][/#ff0000][/font][#ff0000][size 4]g allowed.[/size][/#ff0000][/font][/size][/font]

Nevada Department of Wildlife just doesn't give us alot of information. There are many areas that are stocked with fish but the Ranchers just don't let you know.

I hope this helps.

By the way I am working on a new Nevada Website for 2004. I will include every fishable waters there is in Nevada.

Look for it to be posted here first![/size]
Hey Thanks BearLake Mack, I just don't know to much about Blue Lake. If I look at my map it looks to be in Utah.
hey hft

ruby is pretty good i fished it a few years back. as far as a tailwater i cant think of anything like that over there either. but blue lake is in that area. i also remember some good water flows come of wheeler peak in great basin though i dont recall the names of the creeks over there.

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