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Unfolding nicely
Unfolding nicely
Over the last couple of years East Cape winters have been very mild. That is not to say we didn't have windy days and cool weather but it wasn't as I had remembered winter. This year has been more typical of the past with bone chilling strong north winds.

This past week we had small craft advisories 6 days out of seven. On the only calm day I heard reports of striped marlin stacked up off Punta Pescadero and a hot yellowtail bite on the East side of Ceralvo Island. All the signs are encouraging and I'm certain that one day soon this harsh weather will vanish as quickly as it arrived.

Meanwhile in Team Jen Wren camp things are unfolding nicely. Our boats are ready for action and it has come to the point that we are just waxing the wax waiting for spring.

I received an overwhelming response to my question how long does it take humming bird eggs to incubate. The general consensus was 3 weeks to hatch and 3 more before the new borns fledge the nest. A soothsayer and omniscient friend suggested putting a feeder close by so mama bird didn't have to venture far for food and could spend more time on her nest. Well, it worked! It has only been 2 weeks and yesterday the eggs hatched. Research tells me they will double size in a week and soon be too big for the nest. This is going to be a great year! I can feel it in my bones.

Now we are preparing for our Jen Wren exhibit at the Fred Hall Shows-The Ultimate Outdoor Experience in Long Beach California. We will be right across from the Accurate exhibit. This is the biggest show for the sportfishing industry on the West coast. I am pleased that 2 days fishing Jen Wren was selected as part of the grand prize vacation package give away for the show.

Accurate Jack Nilsen has produced several exciting Youtube videos that can be viewed at this link: If the timing can be coordinated he has agreed to join the prize winner and produce a video of their experience fishing Jen Wren.

As a show special we are offering 2012 pricing for all reservations taken before March 15 to fish anytime during 2013.

Yes, everything is unfolding nicely.

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If you are in the greater Los Angeles area next week please come see us. Here is a shot of my brother helping out.

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Mama getting ready to feed her babies. The little birds are only about the size of a raisin. I haven't been able to capture a photo of them

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Mama bird prefers to sit in a tree when we get to close.

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Putting top shots on our Accurate arsenal

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Lots of humpback whales in the area right now

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I found these cool marlin BBQ lighters at West Marine. They will make great gifts. Seems like there is always at least one shark around

The best source for the latest East Cape fishing conditions "like"

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841
[Image: Accurate-blog.jpg]

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