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Rivers End Fishing Blog
Mom fishing, free bait for Mom's on Mothers Day ( dozen worms or equivalent)

[center]Best Bites[/center]
Striped Bass - It's still peak time at the mouth of the Connecticut River and some of the herring gathering spots upriver. Fish are ranging from 1 to 3 feet in length, of course most are closer to 1 than 3. Overall there are more smaller bass this Spring than we've seen in the past 3 years. It's time to break out the Sluggos. Don't wait.
A few bass have shown up in Plum Gut and should be in the Race soon. There are some larger bass at Montauk.
Bait dunkers are getting them at the DEP Piers and at the Salmon River launch.
Bunker are now in the Connecticut River.
Bluefish - A few have been reported at Millstone and Plum Gut as well as reports of chopped Sluggos in the River.
Blackfish - It's over until July 1st.
Flounder - Not much action being reported.
Fluke - Season opens May 15th in CT. but they're catching them in Montauk, not doormats, and Block. We've heard of a few accidental catches in CT.
Weakfish - We've been hearing early reports from NY of increased numbers and have heard of a few caught in the Branford - New Haven area. Remember limit is 1 at 16".

Tide Tables are in and we're correcting the errors before we print the Tri State Fishing Regulations.

[center]Mon to Fri - 6am to 6pm
[center]Sat, Sun - 6am to 4pm


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Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

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