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I lived in the great AK for some time, I guess I will email some friends a link to this site. I sure do miss fishing there maybe I can conjure up some folks to post a few pics and info!!!
Is icefishing popular in AK? How much ice do they get on lakes?
I iced fished alot, you could drive tractor trailers on it!!!!
What part of AK did you live in. I was up there the first week of Nov. and couldnt find a fishing shop that was open. All the shops that I went to, had the same sign on the door., "thanks for a great season, see you next spring" I went up there for a wedding, but by being up there, definitely built my desire to go fishing up there next summer even more.
WOW am I late for this reply or what!! I have been spending all my time at the Utah board! I lived in the North Pole just outside of Fairbanks for 8 years but fished alot in the Southern parts for Salmon and Halibut. Alot of places close down for the winter up there due to lack of business from the tourists.

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