05-31-2013, 06:10 PM
The Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council) and its advisory bodies will meet June 18-25, 2013 in Garden Grove, California to address issues related to groundfish, highly migratory species, coastal pelagic species, ecosystem based management, and habitat matters.
Agenda and Meeting Notice
Download the June Council Meeting Agenda (PDF)
Download the June Council Meeting Notice and Agenda (PDF)<br />
Key agenda items include Council considerations to:
Consider 2015-2016 and beyond groundfish harvest specifications and management measures including: the process schedule and procedures; the range of alternatives for the fishery management plan Amendment 24 harvest control rules; and relevant projection models.<br />
Adopt final petrale sole, darkblotched rockfish and data moderate stock assessments; update the bocaccio assessment, and consider various catch reports.<br />
Review the status of the rationalized trawl fishery and consider trailing actions as needed.<br />
Consider inseason adjustments to the current groundfish fishery.<br />
Adopt elements of a precautionary management framework for North Pacific albacore tuna.<br />
Update the list of fisheries, as it pertains to forage fish protection.<br />
Adopt changes to the start date of the Pacific sardine fishery and management schedule and changes to harvest parameters for Pacific sardine.<br />
Adopt changes to Pacific mackerel management measures.
Please refer to the proposed agenda for a complete list of issues to be addressed. A schedule of advisory group meetings is provided on the last pages of the attached agenda. Copies of briefing materials prepared for the meeting can be found on our website www.pcouncil.org by June 5.
Agenda and Meeting Notice
Download the June Council Meeting Agenda (PDF)
Download the June Council Meeting Notice and Agenda (PDF)<br />
Key agenda items include Council considerations to:
Consider 2015-2016 and beyond groundfish harvest specifications and management measures including: the process schedule and procedures; the range of alternatives for the fishery management plan Amendment 24 harvest control rules; and relevant projection models.<br />
Adopt final petrale sole, darkblotched rockfish and data moderate stock assessments; update the bocaccio assessment, and consider various catch reports.<br />
Review the status of the rationalized trawl fishery and consider trailing actions as needed.<br />
Consider inseason adjustments to the current groundfish fishery.<br />
Adopt elements of a precautionary management framework for North Pacific albacore tuna.<br />
Update the list of fisheries, as it pertains to forage fish protection.<br />
Adopt changes to the start date of the Pacific sardine fishery and management schedule and changes to harvest parameters for Pacific sardine.<br />
Adopt changes to Pacific mackerel management measures.
Please refer to the proposed agenda for a complete list of issues to be addressed. A schedule of advisory group meetings is provided on the last pages of the attached agenda. Copies of briefing materials prepared for the meeting can be found on our website www.pcouncil.org by June 5.