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Tough Pothole Trout Solved - Leduc Reservoir Video report and tips
I never fished Leduc Reservoir before but always knew they stocked it every spring with rainbow trout. Over the years I have heard that some may overwinter and get to large sizes. I also read that this lake is notorious for sending anglers home with the SKUNK rather than a nice fat rainbow trout. I read every single AO message on this lake and nothing really ever reported back as a positive. So I made it my personal challenge to go there and catch some of those fat fish. I was determined not to take the skunk home with me. Since the reservoir is only 10 minutes from my In-laws farm it makes a quick outing. So I headed out early one frosty morning and launched my boat. I trolled and casted every lure known to man all over that piece of water for no bites. So around 2 pm I landed right where I launched and started to fish. Turns out that is where all the hungry fish were and I hooked up on seven but only got one on shore. Took him home for dinner and called it a day. Hope these tips in the video can also help you catch some of those fish on the reservoir. The fish was a fat 13 inch rainbow and full of water boatman.

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