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Deer Creek "a la cart" 1-25-13
[#0000FF]Thought about heading to Starvation today. But I have been fishing about every other day for the past week and I was gettin' tired. Happens with us old guys. So I took it easy and just went to Deer Creek. Yeah right. I took my new deer cart tube carrier to try it out. T'wern't all that easy. Trust me.

Got the cart loaded and my gear trucked down to the Rainbow Bay. No ramp there so you gotta carry everything about 60 to 75 yards from where you park. Figured it would be a good test for the deer cart. It was.

Had everything set up and got launched right about 8ish. Air temp was a balmy 35 and water temp went from 52 at launch to just over 53 at noon departure. Basically nice and calm but kinda semi cloudy. Wasn't able to get the pics I wanted.

A new crop of Finless Freddies (fresh planters) was popping all over the bay. Saw some fresh tire tracks down to the lake from the private area so I figured it had been recently stocked for fall.

I was on a perch search, but while I cruised around looking for suspicious marks on sonar I dragged a couple of jig and fly setups...the same ones I had used two days before on Huntington. Tigers had liked them at Huntington...seeming to prefer the copper ones. But the rainbows at DC opted mostly for the dark the silverback black.

I caught about a dozen or so feisty bowettes...from about 11 to 16 inches. Lost a couple of bigger ones. Fun, but not perch. Wasn't seeing anything that looked like perch or walleyes but changed up to bouncing bait-tipped jigs on the bottom. Silly 'bows followed me down. Got a couple on the bottom in about 50 feet of water.

I was surprised that there were only a few boats on the lake. But...wouldn't cha know it? One was a water skier. At least they stayed some distance away from the old guy in a float tube.

FFs were still hitting the surface like popcorn when I gave up and headed for shore about noonish. A fly flinger could probably have a good time there. I was dreading the trek back uphill with my loaded deer cart. It was bad enough coming down and I am enough of a realist to know about things like gravity...and the ravages of old age.

Howsomever, I did get that metal and rubber contraption loaded up and trudged back up the hill. Had a couple of relaxing deer hunters come down to offer their assistance. Guess they didn't wanna have to explain a dead old geezer on their turf...when they didn't have a tag for me. But, stubborn old cuss that I am I insisted on having all the fun myself. That, and I was almost back up the hill before they made the offer. Kinda like me offering to help the wife with something...after she is almost through.

Bottom line: the cart worked as intended. In fact, it worked a lot better than the power I can see it being a good thing for short to medium hauls over level to gently sloping terrain. But up and down a fairly steep hill...with both rocks and sand to deal with...made it something I would rather not do again if I had my druthers.

Couldn't hep myself. Hadda take a couple more pics of Timp before I left.

This is most disconcerting, all this fishing that you are doing !! especially while I have to work !! At least someone is able to get on the water!! Going to give Ut. Lake a shot Sat afternoon, see who is willing to play !! Report later !!
[#0000FF]I'm happy to take up the slack for you poor guys who still have to "justify your existence" by working. I paid my dues and I have been deprived (depraved) of many planned trips this year through a variety of circumstances and excuses.

To hell with making hay while the sun shines. I'm goin' fishin'. Maybe Saturday too. Got an invite.

PS...the "locals" are bringing in walleyes at the usual locations. Think rock shelves and orchards.
I might be able to decipher that one !! Only 9 more months and I will be free to join you when ever I want, well at least when the boss doesn't have a list of things for me to do !!
Gee all that fishin....what is a guy to do?[sly] Hey there may not have been perch but there are pesky trout.[:p]
I figure if the girlfriend wants to see the fall leaves i might as well head up there with her and kill two birds with one stone. Do you think those rainbows will be accesible from shore?
[#0000FF]Rainbow Bay is usually a good spot for fall 'bows...if you don't mind a little walk. Park at the gate to the south of the entrance and walk down to the lake...and then follow the shoreline out to where it turns to steep rocky bank. Good depth a short cast out.

There was a bank tangler there yesterday and he seemed to be catching a few trout. Great landing technique...drag them up on shore and then kick them up the bank. Not very good for C & R.

Right now a bubble and fly should work well. Ditto for spinners or Jakes. But the old reliable bottle baits or crawlers will git 'er done too.
[quote Therapist]I might be able to decipher that one !! Only 9 more months and I will be free to join you when ever I want, well at least when the boss doesn't have a list of things for me to do !![/quote]

[#0000FF]Yeah, right. I've been back in Utah for 10 years and we still haven't gone fishing together.

Just wait. Once you are retired you'd be amazed at how much of your time other people plan out for you.
[quote TubeDude


Just wait. Once you are retired you'd be amazed at how much of your time other people plan out for you.

[#502800]Yeah and it happens during some of the best weeks for fishing.[/#502800]
Thanks for the info! If all goes as planned ill be able to stop by for a couple hours today. Whats the word in the size of the fish? Any chancr if getting into some nice ones?
[#0000FF]Well, by now you have found out for yourself. Sorry, but I HAD to go to Starvation today. Report tomorrow.

There are some dandy rainbows in Deer Creek but once they dump in the 50,000 or so new planters it is tough for the bigger fish to make it to a bait or lure before one of the new kids gets it.

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