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SEIFF meeting
[font "Times New Roman,Palatino"][#000000][size 3][font "Times New Roman,Palatino"][#000000][size 2][black][size 4][size 4][size 4][#348017][black][size 4][size 2][black][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][i][size 2][black][size 6][blue] Open to all
[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/black][/size][/size][/black][/i][black][size 4][size 2][black][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 2][black][size 6][blue][font "Arial"][#000000][size 4]Here is the quote from the announcement:[/size][/#000000][/font][/blue][/size][/black][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/black][/size][/size][/black][black][size 4][size 2][black][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][size 4][i][size 2][black][size 6][blue]

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[center][size 5][Image: troutani.gif]November General Club Meeting[Image: troutani.gif]
[size 5][i]The Henry's Lake Fishing Region and Its Resources
November 14, 2013 - 7 to 8:30 PM
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[left][black][size 4]Our November Club Meeting will feature Jessica Buelow who is involved with the fishery program up north.
[Image: Jessica_Buelow.jpg][/size][/black][/left]
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[left][size 5][size 5][black][size 4]The November 14th meeting for the Southeast Idaho Fly Fishers will offer a presentation by Jessica Buelow. Jessica is a Regional Fisheries Biologist for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game in the Upper Snake Region at Henry’s Lake, where she runs the Henry’s Lake Fish Hatchery, conducts fishery surveys on the lake, and serves as the Fisheries Habitat Biologist for the region. She is well traveled, with previous positions and similar duties in Wisconsin, Lewiston, Idaho and on the Salmon River in Idaho.
Jessica brings a wealth of knowledge and information to the presentation, especially in regards to Henry’s Lake.[/size][/black][/size][/size][/left]
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Working in a fly fishing store, especially, this summer, I got to hear many different and varied types of “grumblings” coming from Henry’s Lake anglers that weren’t satisfied with the size of the fish or the quality or both. Many were concerned that there were/are too many fish in the lake for the biomass to support. Fishing on Henry’s this summer was tough.
This meeting is an excellent opportunity for those of us who fish or have fished Henry’s Lake to get the most up to date information on the lake and its health and future plans that the IDFG may have.
I urge all interested fishermen and fisherwomen to attend this very timely meeting. There is no one right now closer to the workings and plans for Henry’s Lake than IDFG fisheries biologist Jessica Buelow.
Please remember, the meeting is: Thursday November 14 at the Portneuf River Outfitters Fly Fishing Store on North Main St. in Old Town Pocatello.
The meetings begin right at 7:00 PM and are open to all interested persons, regardless of whether you are a TU member or SEIFF member. All meetings are free. I would suggest coming a bit early, as seating at the store is limited to about 50/60 persons. Henry’s Lake always seems to bring many interested folks together to discuss one of Idaho’s, and the world’s, most prolific fisheries.
I hope to see you at the meeting!!!
Tom Banyas
Program Chair Person, SEIFF

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