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willard or utah lake
Was wondering about willard. I know there is a day time bite. But is there any thing good at night.. im taking a few newbiees out andbjust want them to catch some fish..cats or walleye bitting Iin willard at night or even wipers?..
Webt to utah lake a few weeks ago at night and it was windy asbheck but managed 7 mud cats in 5 gours notging big. Any updates on utah lake would help to.. we all know how it is to take newbies out so any help would be awsome.. we are shore fishing aswell
I'd say just don't go on utah lake for fishing for catfish during big wind storms. I wen't as well yesterday and not a single nibble. Those waves yesterday were big. I wen't on the jordan river and caught over 20 mud cats but nothing big. Had a few bites from catfish but they would only nibble once so you would literally have to have your rod in your hand at all time feeling that line just for that one bump.

Next weekend will be in the high 60's to low 70's. Should be good for going after the catfish again.

To avoided mud kitties get some chub meat, shrimp, or chicken liver. If you catch a carp or white bass cut it up and use it.
I usedbahrimp wormsbandbstink bait... I wanna fish the jordan river but have no clue where to start. . Any thing happengbin the spanish river inlet
If you can a fast current you can usually find a few catfish in that area. I've only started fishing on the jr again and once a while catch a catfish. I mostly catch suckers, carp, or those mudder.
Dont know when you say fishing at night how late you mean, but the panfish action was pretty good at UL prior to the cold front. If it gets warm again, I'd say 2-3 days after it warms up, take your newbies to any of the boat harbors and fish small jigs under a bobber from about 6pm to dark. Crappie and bluegill have both been pretty good; in the harbors around the rocks and docks. good luck

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