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we decided to spend the 4th of july weekend at starvation wow what a weekend . we decided to camp at the east end of rabbit gulch next to a group of about 12 trailers and motor homes what a mistake they had a gaggle of jet skis. and a generator that rarely shut off that was louder than my old lawn mower. Followed by a three day party. al I can say is live and learn. onto the fishing after reading tube dudes report I didn't feel so bad about our results. managed about 15 fish Thursday , mostly bows with about a third of them being small walleyes. the bows size and fight were great the eyes were all around ten inches. all released. the following days were about the same . until the 4th and 5th when boat traffic just got to bad and catching continued to get worse most days around 10 fish, were high in the water collum 1 to 5 feet . with some being 20 feet or more . did land 1 nice walleye and some really nice bows. the best part was my grand daughter getting lit up by some nasty bows. I've sworn off holiday fishing may it rest in piece cause I certainly didn't.
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Nice lookin eye there. I too have written off holiday and weekend fishing trips. I prefer the middle of the week myself. A lot quieter, I can actually enjoy the outdoors.
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the Barbie pole was lit up I couldn't keep it in the water and it caught a 3.5 lb bow . but this was the weekend from hell down there. I have never seen a group like that they would come out about 11oclock and take off with about 6 jet skis at the same time it looked like water world. at least they wen to bed at about 2 am so there was some quit time to enjoy. ugh[pirate]
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You should have got in touch with the Park Rangers, I believe the quiet hrs. are the same for the whole park in the camp areas. Alan or Chase I'm sure would have responded. It's nice having a friend that works for the Duchesne police force and he works weekends so if we have any problem I just give him a call. Sorry you had to put up with that crap. We stayed home just had to put up with fire works till after midnight the 3rd, 4th, & 5th.
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I read where the ski boats and PWC's had a whopping 20% increase in sales this year.
I also read where the boat harrasment problem is so bad in the east and midwest, the law agencies are using drones to record incidents.
So look up and , you could be on candid camera.
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we called all day they didn't come out. I called a few more times after 11 and got an answering machine. so my friend hydro fish and I went over to talk to them . I went into camp first and after promising my wife that I would be good. well I broke that promise in the first question I asked. then it got bad I was pined against a truck by four or five not sober guys . and ws really getting worried lucky I had tom as back up just out side the camp. after the assault the ranger dispatcher called I told them what happed and they sent out four trucks .and talked with them things calmed down as promised until the not sober guy came hunting thru the park look for my bleeping a**.I decided to stay cool and let things blow over from there.
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Funny, this is a double edged sword for me. There are times I want to be the partier and want to stay up late and then there are times when I want the jerk next to me to go to bed so I can get up and go fishing early with good rest.
You have to take the good with the bad in my opinion, I can only imagine there were times when you were the jerk keeping people up late. I know damn well I have been the bad guy once or twice, and I know damn well that I've been the one calling out somebody else under my breath as well before.
While I try not to blare music, yell and be loud after 10 PM its sometimes hard when you've had a few drinks and your halfway past drunk and hanging out with good friends and family.
I do however think that when your in a public environment you need to respect others and if you can't do this you should find another place that is your own piece of solitude and/or party ground. This is in fact one reason I really like the North Slope of the Uintas, camps are spread out and you don't have to be so "PUBLIC".
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you know I've never had a problem with people having a good time, but by the third night I was at my wits end . I could put up with the music and the drinking , but that generator ran from 10am to 12 pm every night and I lost it . felt a little bad and asked the ranger not ruin their weekend with tickets or a trip to jail. almost regretted it when the they came looking for me after I let them off the hook.
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Hey I'm with ya, I've been there done that, like I say, its a double edged sword thing to me. Generators going all night though is rather disrespectful period, I whole heartedly agree with you.
Sadly, some think they have to have a generator just to camp, they don't realize for some odd reason that batteries can run 95% of whatever is in a trailer/RV. The minute they get there they hook up to the generator and keep feeding it gas at $3.50/gallon until they go home.
Also, my bad for the way I put that..I did not intend to say "you" in the following:
Quote:You have to take the good with the bad in my opinion, I can only imagine there were times when you were the jerk keeping people up late. I know damn well I have been the bad guy once or twice, and I know damn well that I've been the one calling out somebody else under my breath as well before.
I really meant any of us at one time or another, sorry for directing anything at you as this was not my intention (as it could have been construed as such).
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We're right there with you. We've been boat camping on starvation every year during holidays for some 10+ years now, and we were also there this weekend. First 5 years were fine and fishing was excellent. Nowadays, you can't even set up camp across the lake or in a back cove. Noise, arrogant individuals on all around, it's just not worth it anymore more for us. I'm definitely done this time, which is what I've said the last few times I've foolishly gone.
Sadly, most other used to be good camping spots, be it ground or boat, are getting to this point as well even on non-holiday weekends. Uintas, Boulder, Manti, you name it.
As far as booking sites at starvation that are hosted, that's a joke now as well. Just like many other areas in
this state, they are bookable 6 months plus in advance and always full. I think some are booking holiday sites in multiple recreation areas just to have options as to where to go and eating the additional cost for those they don't go to. I don't even think Starvation has any first come first serve sites available, but I might be wrong. If they do, I'm sure you'd have to be there at 4:00 a.m. on a Monday morning waiting for some one to leave to secure a site for the following weekend.
As far as fishing goes this trip. All warm water species basically sucked for us. Few bass, no perch caught or even seen, no walleye. Couldn't sit on a spot without being washed away by waves even in the back end of coves. Electric anchor was of little use.
Ended up eagerly leaving Saturday afternoon when some 50 plus boats were arriving with no parking left anywhere which I'm certain was a wonderful experience. I saw a ton of folks looking for spots to park their trucks and trailers after launching while driving out. I'm sure daily quotas are going to be considered soon unless they expand the parking to meet the demand.
Used to be a great place to fish mid season. Not any more except maybe midweek like others have stated.
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We have been leaving our trailer down there all summer for the last few years. Started off at Yuba back in the 90's then moved to Deer Creek when the walleye fishing went to crap, parked trailer there for a number of years, moved on to Starvation a few years back but it is beginning to suck as well. Hell with the fishing at Willard the way it has been the last few years, might just as well stay at home and save some money on gas and storage fees. [:/]
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I didn't take offence to any thing you said it all good . I probably shouldn't have made this post more about the problems it really was a fun trip .
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as far as staying in the improved camp grounds I really don't care for them. I wish there where more lakes that offered primitive camping areas around the shore but like everything else it's going away. next year it's back to the gorge for the 4th I've never had any problems there. as far as the fishing it's like tubedude said in his post a long drive for what's getting to be mediocre fishing. I'm bummed.
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You must have bad luck with campers. When my family and I go to places like the Uintas or wherever, they rarely are obnoxious. Even less are when we politely go over to them and ask them if they could keep it down.
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that was the first time I've ever had to go over to another camp. I guess I was in the wrong place at the wrong time ,fishing was [fishin]ok though
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yeah that's no fun. It's actually funny because my worst enemies camping are usually my own family members. I usually try to go to bed earlyish and even though they aren't being loud for next door neighbors, they're usually close enough to our tent talking that they keep me up. If I somehow manage to sleep with them still talking, I always get woken up when their drunk selves finally decide to go to bed and clumsily get in the tent. Plus sleeping when camping isn't usually the most comfortable anyways. At least your kids got some fun fishing though!
I was really bummed when my dad canceled our 4th of July weekend fishing trip. We were going to go to Yuba and try for Pike(we've never tried for Pike). Hopefully we end up doing it some weekend at least. At least where I live, people were doing fireworks till midnight, some later and I'm just thinking, really people? You couldn't have done them at 8 or 9? Some of us don't want to sleep in till noon the next you didn't miss quiet city nights if that makes you feel any better haha.
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Well at least it took 4 or 5 of the brave lads to face up to you. Sorry you didn't have any luck with the park rangers they are usually right on top of any trouble. [:/]
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it's all good I'm honestly more upset about the state of the fishing at starvation than anything else. at least we have Willard bay for now
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thanks packfan I wish I'd handled the whole thing differently. I was surprised the park rangers are usually pretty good there, but I will bet they had their hands full that weekend.
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I posted awhile back that a few years ago a buddy of mine (Who is a retired police officer now) and I were fishing perch in Rabbit when several guys started coming pretty close to us when they were sking, once close enough that when the skier came by and turned he threw water on us in the boat, shortly past us he fell. I hollered at them that they were sking too close to us, you know what the response was. Abought that time my buddy pulled his cell phone out and called Alan, they took off but Alan caught up to them by the bridge with the Park boat. My friend filed a complaint, he said it ended up costing the driver about $130.00. [  ][  ][  ] Sometimes life is good.