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I want to get another sturgeon set up but not sure on what reel to get since penn quit making its GT line also dont know if i want a level wind or not i have been thinking about a shimano tld 25 lever drag any one ever try casting one of these i mostly bank fish so casting and line capacities are my main concerns any input is welcome
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I don't know if you prefer a left hand retrieve or not, but if you do, I would recommend the Penn Special Senator 113H2LH. It's about $110 list, but you might be able to find it for less if you hunt.
Reeling in those sturgeon is a lot of work and fighting the fish with my left arm and reeling with my right, had me at a major handicap.
I looked pretty hard before I purchased one. Pretty sure my grandkids will be reeling in Sturg with it one day. If they are still in the river that is.
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I have used the TLD 15s for almost 20 years and have had no problems . I can put almost 300 yd of 40 lb big game mono. on them. They cast well and the lever drag is so smooth that often people standing by you do not know that a fish is taking line. My reels have brought well over 1000 sturgeon to the bank. I would recommend the TLD 15 but then I like a smaller lighter reel. It will amaze you how smooth these reels are and how well they cast.
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If you are interested I have a TLD 20 that has only seen maybe 2 or 3 trips. It is currently spooled with 80lb tuf line xp. I currently have it on a Okuma Cecilio sturgeon rod (it is better as a boat rod). I'd sell the reel for $100 and the combo for $125 + shipping (I live in Mountain Home).
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If you are interested I have a TLD 20 that has only seen maybe 2 or 3 trips. It is currently spooled with 80lb tuf line xp. I currently have it on a Okuma Cecilio sturgeon rod (it is better as a boat rod). I'd sell the reel for $100 and the combo for $125 + shipping (I live in Mountain Home).
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I have used many different reels for sturgeon, and by far the best is the Shimano Tekota 800. Definitley the cat's meow, so to speak. I am now running 4 of them on my gator gear. The oldest 2 are 6 years old, and have never needed the slightest tune up yet...
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Penn 330 gti
Only drag system that can take it.
As soon as the leveler gear breaks take it off and keep fishing.
You will be disappointed with the performance of any thing else.
I've caught 1000s of fish over 7 ft.
Will demonstrate to non believers.
Spinning reels will not last 50 fish.
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having burned up three penn gti 330's i switched to diawa sealine .(one 300, 2 350s, one 400) I currently have one my uncle bought in about 1995. For me personally it has caught over 100 fish and Duane used it for along time and countless fish before that. They are about $125 brand new but a used one can be had on ebay for about $65. Never once have i had trouble with one or with the drag not being stout enough. If you do buy a used on i recommend spending the $20 or so and rebuild the drag on any used reel but then again i have two diawas that i bought of ebay that i don't use a ton (there gust rods) that i never rebuilt and they seem to do just fine
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I use a Penn 321 left hand. I don't even use the drag. Ron
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i have a 330 gti right now and i love it but penn quit making them so i think im going to order a shimano i have always loved shimano spinning and casting reels
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The Tekota drag system is very durable, and I have seen it handle both large tuna and billfish. The TLD (lever Drag) is also nice, and Shimano makes them durable as well. I used to be a Penn guy, but since they dumped the 330GTi I am all in on the Tekota. You could always buy a Penn International for 1500 bucks...
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You can still buy them. Why wouldn't you?
Defies logic. Just saying.
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the only place i can find them is ebay and im to redneck to mess with ebay i would rather order form a repeatable company where i know if i have problems i can return it
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Following thebug's advice, I purchased two Diawa Sealine 400s, off of eBay and have been totally pleased. It is nice to have a smooth heavy-duty drag while reeling in those sturgeon.
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i have looked at the sealine's but if you read the reviews are not very good i know most of the reviews are form people using them for salt water but im hard on gear i do have a old okuma that is just a cheap casting reel but man it has held up to Chinooks damn well for what i paid for it cast good and good drag man all this talk is making me itch i am heading out to swan now for some catching
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From what I have seen the TLD 15 and TLD 20 will outcast the Penns as they seem to be smother.That is just my opinion I know the Penns are good but for me they don`t come close to the TLDs as far as drag systems and casting.
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I have used and will continue to use Penn 330 GTI. I have 8 of them. I have 2 Diawa Sealine 400 also. Love both reel companies. My diawa are on boat rods. Penns on casting rods
The only complaint I have now with Penn is they make them in CHina.
I saw 330 Gti for sale this year in Boise. when did Penn stop making them?
40 lb big game
Smooth casting and works well for the snake river.
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My Penn 555s will out cast the penn 330 but are not a level wind
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I bought two Penn Defiance series 40's and love them...I believe they are the replacements for the gt series...they also have one called squall if I remember right....the defiance series are tough and have the same drag systems the gt series had.