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looking over the fishing regs it appears that you can run one tipup while jigging with another rod so long as you have the extra line permit - believe i got that part straight.
Curious if you can buy another permit and run an extra tip up?
I am also very curious as to what kind of setups /baits you guys are using on tip ups since I have only used live minnows in the past . ( back in the Midwest) ....and have never fished for trout on hard water
Ice fishing talk in August ? You betcha! ( ok im ready for winter because i want to be skiing but i do love me some ice fishing as well!)
I threw in a gratuitus shot of a gator i pullled through the ice a couple of winters ago in northern illinois.- got it on a sucker - cant use those anymore!
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First, welcome.
You no longer need a two-pole permit, so you could fish one tipup and one rod while ice fishing with your regular license. But no more than two "rods". As you discovered, no live minnows allowed anywhere in Utah.
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[#0000FF]Although we can't use live minnows in Utah, there are places where fishing dead ones is effective...for fish that accept them.
Yuba Reservoir's pike like dead chubs, perch or small carp. Ditto for slabs of meat from any legal species. Anchovies work well too.
You can also use dead minnows for walleyes but jigging spoons with a piece of minnow often work better. And Gulp Alive minnows sometimes work better than the real thing.
Macks in Bear Lake like dead ciscos. Big cutts too. And the macks in the Gorge will munch dead chubs. Used to be their main forage but not many chubs around there anymore. And you can use up to six tipups in the Gorge. Burbot fans take advantage of that. But check the special regulations.
Bottom line is that when using two rods it is often just as effective to properly rig your second rod to fish close by...deadstick, with an occasional jig...using standard jigs and baits. Live minnows are hard to beat but a lot of us do just fine without them.
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TD is correct as always. The tip ups used in the Midwest aren't the best for trout - use a deadstick rod with a strike indicator or better yet a Jawjacker. I'm from Minnesota and am very familiar with tip ups. Only time I would consider using one is fishing for pike at Yuba. Deadstick rod in a holder just works better here.
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Its not too ear,ly to start talking icefishing. In fact it makes one start ghinking what new gear I am going to need to get ready for it.
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I second the Jaw Jacker for trout.
As for yuba pike...I'd rather deadstick a rod out there than use a tip up.
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thanks for everyone's insight- learning alot from this forum!! think i'll scrap the idea of picking up those new frabil tipups with the electric line counters.
fishing in the west certainly is a different ballgame than the midwest where i was born and raised. I didn't have a single trout pattern lure in my aresnal, now thats all i've been buying .......used to focus on fishing weedbeds, now its tough to find any....spent countless days fishing w/ live suckers up to 14 inches for musky and pike, now the only suckers i see are the monsters ive pulled out of the jordan river by my office.I very rarely trolled while fishing, since its not legal in wisconsin where i spent most of my weekends, now im rigged up with downriggers and really enjoy it.
switchin gears this weekend and hiking up to Lake Catherine by Brighton fly/spin fishing for trout, caught a couple of gorgeous fish up there about a month ago. gotta love all the options you have out here.
ill keep on postin' - see you on the water!
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[quote Blackellunge]thanks for everyone's insight- learning alot from this forum!! ......used to focus on fishing weedbeds, now its tough to find any....[/quote]
Obviously you've not been to Mantua. It's NOTHING but weedbeds! But yes, many of our man-made reservoirs (they aren't "lakes" really) don't have all that natural structure, but there are places, depending on water depth - another factor that goes up and down (down mostly in summer!)
Pineview is another where you will find submerged brush and such in winter.
One thing worth doing it to mark off some territory now at low water - GPS, or photo some shoreline landmarks around structure, then return come ice when it's all down under.
Jawjackers are one tipup option, I like the [url ";postatt_id=81151"]Jigger Totter[/url] options too, as they are easy to give a prod and add a little action. I've thought of adding a small flag to catch some wind.
I got a tip-down setup, still need to give it more ice-exercise. Doesn't have the snap of a Jawjacker setup.
So two rods, but you can also have up to three hooks per line, so keep that in mind. I've got some spreaders and have toyed with trying them, just have to be able to get them through the hole, so may be more hassle than benefit.
You could use some sort of motor or rigging to add "action" to a tip-up rod. There's always crazy ideas out there!
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haven't hit Mantua - i got a 18 foot deep v - lake looks pretty small for my boat.
I've been to Pineview a couple of times, there are definitely some weeds in there - waiting for the knuckleheads to put away their wakesetters for the winter and ill be back there looking for my first ever Tiger -real nice reservior but man does it get crazy
ive seen guys on the ice using simliar looking devices as the jawjacker/jigger trotter - ill have to pick something like that up for the winter
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[quote Blackellunge]haven't hit Mantua - i got a 18 foot deep v - lake looks pretty small for my boat. [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3] Not at all.[/size][/#800000][/font]
I've been to Pineview a couple of times, there are definitely some weeds in there - waiting for the knuckleheads to put away their wakesetters for the winter and ill be back there looking for my first ever Tiger -real nice reservior but man does it get crazy [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]Ya Think?[/size][/#800000][/font]
ive seen guys on the ice using simliar looking devices as the jawjacker/jigger trotter - ill have to pick something like that up for the winter. [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]I have, and use, both - every winter. Don't leave home without them.[/size][/#800000][/font][/quote]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."