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Marine vet imprisoned in Mexico could face charges in California
Marine vet imprisoned in Mexico could face charges in California
That's the headline in the Marine Corp News from Oct. 9th.
I really doubt California is going to prosecute him for the illegal firearm possession and loaded firearms in the vehicle. One it'll be hard to prove but two it would be very unpopular with many after this Marine spent 8 months in jail for his crimes already. The more I think about it I wonder if the Marine Corps didn't publish that article more as a warning to other Marines stationed in the area not to also try to pickup some quick cash by smuggling guns and ammo.
While more and more U.S. firearms enter Mexico illegally through Guatemala, that San Ysidro border crossing between San Diego and Tijuana along with the crossing between El Paso and Ciudad Juarez continue to be major smuggling routes,
Lets hope they leave him alone and dont charge him. But then again, it is California. When I was a Pendleton Mexico was off limits. I wasn't there a logn period of time. Just there for Marine Combat Training before I was stationed on the East coast. That wouldn't surprise me at all if the Marine Corps published that as a warning.

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