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BFT Flag
I am looking for a way to order a bft boat flag and after reviewing old posts I'm still Confused. I'd like to be able to have my username on it if possible. Can someone help me out on this?
I've been getting them for members the last few but I need to order 12 min to place an order. The BFT flags were $10 last year, with usernames they could be $12. Attached is a pic of one, it's a little dirty from laying in the bottom of my shed but you can get the idea.
Here's the Premium Member BFT flag, with all hot spot info showing...

[Image: whiteflag.jpg]

(Just pulling the collective leg, Curt. Couldn't help myself.)
Oh Rocky, Rocky, Rocky. That smug grin in your profile pic is so pefectly fitting!
But I think I should send your flag to every southerner who joins the catfish contest!
Hey Curt, maybe I can drum up some interest with the Catfish contest startup.
That's funny Rocky ... in several ways. [sly]
Have you had any interest in doing an order? I'm definitely game for one w/ the username. I assume we could set something up through PayPal?
Yes, I have used PayPal in the past but so far you are the first this year that has expressed interest. If any of your friends are members of BFT, see if they might be interested.

If anyone else is interested in a BFT flag with or without username, please reply to this thread or send me a PM.
I am also interested in purchasing a BFT flag with username
Great, I'll add you to the list, that makes three members so far, 9 more to go[Smile].
You can add three from me

1 without name
2 with names: mamatrout
Awesome, that takes the total up to 9, only 3 more to go before placing an order.
I want one with name: joesheeba2000
We'll take (buy) 2 with names:
Lady Wullf
Thanks and how do we pay you?
Great, you have been added to the list, only need 2 more to place an order.
Awesome, that gives me enough to place an order, I'll send you a PM with payment info.

If anyone else is interested in ordering a flag, you better do it now, this will likely be the only order placed this year.
I would like to order one with my username. Will you pm me payment instructions?
I'm waiting for a reply from the company that makes the flags. As soon as they call me, I'll contact everyone, with a PM that has expressed interest in the flags as soon as I know the price and how long it will take them to get them done. Your name is on the list, I'll get you the payment info asap.
I'll take one without name. Thanks
I would like a flag as well without my handle thanks.
Ok, I have you and Ktrout both down for a BFT flag, with no username.

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