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DWR White Bass Help 5-20-15
[#0000FF]Here is a copy and paste from DWR facebook page.
The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources is in the process of establishing a hatchery program to produce wipers, a hybrid cross between a female white bass and a male striped bass. Wipers are fast growing, aggressive fighters, and also make great table fare. The Division is in the preliminary stages of establishing a production program to help increase their ability and efficiency to provide wipers for reservoirs such as Willard Bay and community fishing ponds.

Several anglers have reported sizable concentrations of female white bass in the vicinity of Lincoln Beach. The Division will be on site from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. on Wednesday May 20 to collect female white bass from willing anglers to assist with the program.

The female white bass will then be transported to the Springville Hatchery for egg collection and incorporation into a fledgling brood stock.

Female white bass are generally larger than males and may express eggs upon handling. Males are generally smaller and will express milt upon handling. If in doubt of the sex of the fish please deliver to Division personnel for identification.

Please take care to keep the white bass in a well aerated live well or fish basket prior to delivery to Division personnel to reduce stress and prevent mortality of the fish. For more information about this effort please contact Chris Crockett or Mike Slater with the Central Region UDWR 801-491-5678.

Please Note: It is illegal to transport live fish away from the water they were caught. We are only collecting live female white bass caught by anglers from the Lincoln Beach area or those legally transported by boat via livewell from other locations on Utah Lake. Do not transport fish by land-based vehicle from other areas of Utah Lake.
I was at LB this a.m. fishing from the shore at the end of the south dike. I was after wb for bait... caught one cat and three wb. None of the wb "expressed" anything so I assume they were female... about 8 inchers.

Watched two fish hawks ?? dive from the top of the telephone poles and hit the water right in front of me... both flew off with a wb breakfast.

I'll probably be there on the 20th so I can help. I'd druther keep 'em for bait but I'll give up any I catch that day in support of the cause.

[#0000FF]Chris Crockett says that they will probably have someone "personing" a holding pen near the inlet to receive angler contributions.

TubeBabe and I will likely be a part of the festivities, unless there are going to be hurricane force winds. We don't do wind.

If Wednesday is a blowout weatherwise, there is a possibility of extending to Thursday. Stay tuned.

PS...I wanna get both some whities and some carp meat for my bait stash. 'Bout time I started fishing for the contest. I have let you other guys have enough of a head start. But it's not how you start. It's how you finish.
Most of the whities I have caught have been males in the 6-8 in. range. If they were much smaller they would be great bait whole. Hoping to find some bigger fish. I am happy to see the numbers up slightly but not much size. I get spoiled when we have a couple of those years where you catch more 12 in fish than anything and a few pushing 14. Haven't ventured out to LB yet this spring. Oh well they will return. At least we are getting some water, it may not fill the reservoirs but it should reduce the water usage for our silly lawns.
[quote TubeDude][#0000FF]Chris Crockett says that they will probably have someone "personing" a holding pen near the inlet to receive angler contributions.

TubeBabe and I will likely be a part of the festivities, unless there are going to be hurricane force winds. We don't do wind.

If Wednesday is a blowout weatherwise, there is a possibility of extending to Thursday. Stay tuned.

PS...I wanna get both some whities and some carp meat for my bait stash. 'Bout time I started fishing for the contest. I have let you other guys have enough of a head start. But it's not how you start. It's how you finish.

I was going to stay out of it this time around, you know, just to give everyone else a fighting chance, but that's an awfully big gauntlet you just threw down.
Ooo you gonna jump into the foray?[Smile] Can't wait to see your Deep South catches.
So - I guess by that last paragraph in the announcement i won't be able to fill a bucket and bring them up to Cutler to continue their spawning efforts. Dang! <jk> - just wishful thinking. Still think Cutler/Bear would offer an ideal environment for the little beast, and would give our kitties and walleyes and extra boost! Though, some of the walleyes are doing pretty good.

Recent catch reported at 30 3/4 inch.

[inline "BIG Walleye.jpg"]
[#0000FF]I have also thought that white bass might make a good species for the Bear River. Already bluegills, green sunfish, crappies and other smaller species to feed the larger predators...along with a good supply of fathead minnows...and others. But the white bass are a lot more prolific and would create a new level of fishing while spawning a lot of their own food supply.

Oh June suckers in the equation either.

Now put your bucket away and be a good boy. You might still see white bass being put in there by DWR. That should happen sometime after world peace, an end to hunger and pigs flying.

About that picture. [#000000][size 3] [/size][/#000000]
[/#0000FF][size 3]"R[/size][#0000FF][#000000][size 3]ecent catch reported at 30 3/4 inch."[/size][/#000000] Somehow I would have guessed she was a bit taller than that.

Yote I'm still thumbs up for Whities on Cutler I'm just not sure what they will do to the crappie and bass (LM & SM) situation. Hate to see those populations hurt. Later J
TD I'm standing by ready for your entries I'd love to see BLK have some real competition because he's such a work horse he'll keep after it until he finds a bigger one. Hey your team needs any fish over 25" will help the team out so don't wait for 30"ers to post. We can erase the smaller fish real easy. Good luck j
[#0000FF]Guess I'm a little different than some cataholics. I fish for pleasure...not pressure or competition. Never have liked tournaments or contests. And I have a lot of other fishy friends besides the kitties. So I must beg forgiveness if I stray off the course a bit from time to time.

BLK lives close to the action and can be on Utah Lake before I can get to the freeway from my place. For me it is at least a half day event to plan for and execute. So I don't just load and go...trusting in the Lord and Mr. Ford that all conditions will be doable.

When I get finished with my springtime "play dates"...with other lakes and other fishies...I will likely get more focused on hand-to-fin combat of the whiskery kind.

If nothing else, I will let all the amateurs mess around with the small fish all summer...and then I'll do my usual big fish bash in the fall. Less wear and tear on me and the tackle. Same outcome. Just let everybody else get a false sense of confidence before I do the smack down.

Only thing I gotta worry about is water. If there ain't any left by fall I may have to rethink my strategy.
Well we'll be looking forward to your cats when they come. In the meantime I'm having a blast with these cats they are so much fun and I don't know any other place that I can catch big fish so consistently. Still working on the King cat formula, but I'll get there. Take care and hopefully we can find a chance to float together again soon. Later J
So are your plans "on" for tomorrow? I'm thinking of heading down myself. Right now the wind looks agreeable from a number of the crystal orbs and I'm needing some time on the water.... Smile
[#0000FF]Yes. It is "ON" for Lincoln Beach.

Would be good to see you there. Walkie talkies on channel 5.

DWR has been finding a few gravid females near the L. I will probably be somewhere between the point and the L.
Had I not been sitting in Nevada today I would have joined you. Maybe next time.

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