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Bonneville Whitefish
[#0000ff]It will soon be time to head for "Big Blue" (Bear Lake) to chase those lovely Bonneville whitefish. They usually start moving into the rocky rubble shallows sometime around Thanksgiving and the run lasts through a good part of December.

I have been getting a few requests for the piece I put together a couple of years ago...mainly about whitefish preparing and smoking. So I added some pages and a Bear Lake map...with best whitefish spots. I collaborated with BearLakeFishGuy to get the biology parts correct and got it ready to put up for everybody...lurkers included. But I will probably remove it from this post in a week or copy it if you want to keep it.

I have been going up to hit the whities on Bear Lake the past few years...usually with Coot and NETO. But I usually fish with BLFG while those two whitie veterans share another boat. Thankfully, I have accumulated enough experience and pictures to be able to put together an illustrated "where to and how to" piece on these fun and delectable fish.

Edit: I am removing the attachment. But members who wish a copy can shoot me a PM.

As usual, TD's piece is comprehensive, colorful, and cogent.
Thanks for the Article, very interesting!
[#0000FF]Thankee kindly sir.
[#0000FF]Hey Mike, glad you like it.

Looks like you have been playing on Jordanelle again. Been awhile since we hit it together.

Just like Emeril

Thanks Dude!
Thank you!
[Image: download.jpg]
As always, very well done. Thanks
Great write-up as always.
[#0000FF]Hey too Brent. I appreciate your appreciation. Glad I could contribute a download.
I don't chase the whitefish but I'll take a looksie at it.[cool]
Great write up, as always Pat. Nice looking boat and crew in that one photo.[Wink]
What an awesome post! Thank You!!
[quote kentofnsl]Great write up, as always Pat. Nice looking boat and crew in that one photo.[Wink][/quote]

[#0000FF]I tried to get your "best side". But some folks just don't have one. Whatta ya want? Justice or mercy?

As I recall, you guys did pretty well that day. Are you going to get up there again this year?
[#0000FF]You're welcome. And thank you for the kindly comment.
That was a great read, Pat....makes me want to take the fly rod up and wade.
You are certainly one for details. Good write up. Your generosity with information to others is a breath of fresh air in this uber secretive world of fishing we live in.
Another great sermon by the Fishing Master of BFT.

Thanks TD.

I haven't made a run after Whitefish at Bear Lake. I need to add a trip up to the Big Blue to my fishing spots each year.
[#0000FF]Thanks. I was wondering whether or not you had ever gone after them with your long wand. If you get serious, shoot me a PM and I can suggest fly-flinger friendly spots...and possibly some good patterns.

Basically, a 6 weight with medium sink is about right for most whitie fishing. But a 7 weight will throw bigger flies better...especially if you are "enjoying" some onshore breezes.
[#0000FF]Thanks. I do believe in "pay it forward". I have been fortunate in having known and fished with a goodly number of accomplished anglers over the years. I am properly grateful for the help they freely offered...and the acceleration of my own learning curve. I have enjoyed a long and fruitful fishing career and these days I get a lot of my enjoys from passing along little tidbits I have learned...and seeing others benefit from them.

Sadly, as you have observed, there are far too many fisherfolk who treat our sport as if it were a top secret pursuit that has to be kept among a tight group of elitists. On our own forum here I have watched the "evolution" of some members...who go from begging and groveling for help to closed-minded and closed mouthed anglers not willing to divulge anything about things so freely shared with them by others.

I ran into this reluctance to one of our longtime esteemed members...when I was recently working on putting together my PDF book on Willard Bay. I mentioned that they were recognized as being knowledgeable on Willard and asked if there was ANYTHING they might like to contribute to the members. I was told flatly that they did not care to share ANY of their tactics and techniques. And that from a guy who has received LOTS of freebies...lures, writeups, maps and other assistance...from me. I still shake my head in disbelief as I think of that. But that's on him.

Thanks again for your kindly comments. It helps.

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