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Scofield 12/19/
Went to Scofield today with the daughter and went to the Madsen boat ramp. Was only one other group when we got there, the dam arm looked like a small city. So we decided to get away from the crowd. Went out about 100-150 yards straight south of the boat ramp.. Set-up the tent and punched 2 holes.. Put the Marcum Showdown Troller 2.0 transducer in the hole, was excited that I got it and was able to use it!! I haven't been to Scofield for a long time because of the chubs and the snakes, but I figured they would keep her entertained either way.. Was in about 9-10 feet of water.. Was gettig fish coming in to the jigs, but no takers, thanks to the Troller 2.0 we knew the fish were there and knew w had to change jigs, baits.. Went through a few different colored jigs with a mealworm, a few little nibbles and bumps nothing holding on.. Switched up to a white tube and a worm, the bite was on then!! Right off the bat she caught about a 20-22 inch cutty, with a big old head and a snake body.. If that fish's body would've matched the size of the head, that cutty would've been a 4-5 lber easily.. Lol, it was pretty disapportioned.. I should've took a pic, but we were getting hits left and right.. It was a mix of fat healthy chubs and snake-cutts.. I haven't used a flasher, but Marcum Showdown/Troller are so easy to use and understand, I didn't even get to use it that much, my 6 year old daughter was hogging it all to herself and couldn't believe how much funner it made ice fishing.. And I couldn't believe I have been ice fishing for years and have never bought any sort of finder, if not for the Troller today, I wouldn't of known the fish were coming up and going back down.. We caught about 14 chubs and 16 snake-cutts in 2.hours.. As it was time to go, I was outside the tent and the kid was in fishing and of course that afternoon Scofield wind kicked-up and took our tent for a little Had to chase it down, but scared the kid good.. An excellent day to keep her entertained and try out the new finder.. On the way out, the first group was gone and there was a new tent right by the ramp.. Not very many holes drilled on that side of the lakat all, maybe 8 or so..
Great report. How thick was the ice? I am looking to head that way either Tuesday this week or Monday after Christmas.
It was a 8-9 inches.. We left right about 15 to 12, and in some spots the snow was melting and getting slushy..

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