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BFT Olympic Hero
[#0000FF]Waytago Waljustia! Some of you may have seen the TV blurbs on Utah resident David Blair, who just won the paralympic discus throw and set a new world record in the process for his division. [url ""]HERE IS A LINK[/url] to a web article.

Dave is a personal friend, a fellow float tuber, a fine angler and is
[/#0000FF][#0000FF][url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=waljustia"]waljustia[/url] on BFT. He has been mostly inactive on the board...and fishing-deprived...for the last year. He has been heavily training and competing getting ready for the paralympics. But he brought home a gold medal and he is now ready to pick up his fishing rods again.

Congrats, old buddy.
Woohoo way to go David.
Way to go Dave![Smile]

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