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Willow Beach farmed suckers dying
30000 dead so far.... trout unaffected so far. Maybe they could train the suckers to avoid the parasites like they do stripers lol I wonder when they start stocking trout again? How long does it take a trout to go from fingerling to 12 in?
Little known fact, there is a population of razorbacks in the ponds at Floyd Lamb.

There as insurance in case of just such an event.

I made a post with pics about it gosh...back in 08? Seems like a lifetime ago haha.
HI Dan. Glad to hear from you. That's great info. I saw the boat picking up the tracking devices near cottonwood last week. They draw the water down to make it easier to retrieve them.
Haha. Stripers eat anything that fits in their mouth. Hopefully the trout stocks at willow begin soon. Thanks for the info Greg.

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