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Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him
Elections bring out the worst in some people, it's Sad too because I feel there were people like Joe, that was willing to give Obama a chance to prove himself but Obama proved what kind of President it was with his action. I just feel Trump deserves the same respect. With less than week in office people feel the need to condemn him when he is just barely getting started. From what I see, Trump is off to a great start, are all his actions perfect, no, but what was Obama doing the first week in office, nothing, from what I recall. As Big Joe said, we need to come together as a Country and try and support him instead running him down and finding fault. Obama was suppose to help bring our country together but I see just the opposite happened and if we keep going down this path, it will be bad for our Country. Just give the New President a break and wait a see what happens.
Sent you a PM Kent.

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Re: [kentofnsl] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - by wiperhunter2 - 01-27-2017, 12:38 AM

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